Возобновляемые источники энергии и шахтный метан в законодательстве Германии Рекомендации для Украины Клеменс Бакхаус
No. 2 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus Contents CMM in Germany Revenues by EGG Development of CMM installations Examples of installations Technologies for CMM utilisation Economics for CMM power production
No. 3 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM in Germany 1 68 Licenses, 24 Exploration permits
No. 4 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM in Germany 2 Revenues by EGG * EEG = renewavble Law Germany Power Year kW < 500 Cent/kWh kW >1000kW Cent/kWh Max >5000 KW Cent/kWh 20007,676,65 (>500kW) 6, ,675,164, ,844,933,98 In 2000 CMM included in Group landfill gas and sewage gas. The production of these gases is not part of the utilization and not part of the power production costs. The power production from CMM was scheduled to be part of the emission trading under Kyoto protokoll. So the invertors could receive additional income for emissions reduction. This was withdrawn by government in After this point no new investments for CMM was made.
No. 5 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus ШМ в Германии 2 Цену за энергию, отдаваемую во внешнюю сеть, оплачивает производителю владелец сети. Разница стоимости по сравнению с энегрией из других ресурсов распределяется между всеми конечными потребителями (специальное регулирование в законе) Скачать EEG на английской языке можно по ссылке:
No. 6 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus ШМ в Германии 2 Налоги на добычу газа в Германии 0,00 евро/м3 метана работающих шахт Метан откачивается из соображений безопасности труда. Добыча и утилизация этого газа не должна отягощаться налогами 0,00 евро/м3 метана закрытых шахт Если добыча газа ведётся исходя из требований безопасности 0,03 евро/м3 метана закрытых шахт Если добыча не обусловлена безопасностью Работающие шахтыЗакрытые шахты The legal text:
No. 7 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM in Germany - 3 Number of CHP in NRW CMM as fuel active mine abandoned mine Source Abt.8 Bez.-Reg Arnsberg
No. 8 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM in Germany - 4 abandoned mine active mine Source Abt.8 Bez.-Reg Arnsberg Installed Power from CMM in NRW
No. 9 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM Germany - 5 Power production from CMM in NRW abandoned mine active mine Steam turbine Ibbenbüren Source Abt.8 Bez.-Reg Arnsberg
No. 10 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM Germany – 6 in NRW Power production by renewables in 2008 CO 2 reduction by Renewables in 2008 Source Abt.8 Bez.-Reg Arnsberg
No. 11 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus Wind installation as comparison Wind energy installed power Source: BMU
No. 12 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM installations
No. 13 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM installations
No. 14 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM Utilisation Opportunities Medium-Quality Gas 25 – 50% CH 4 Power generation Heat generation Boiler fuel Ventilation air heating Coal drying Industrial applications (Fuel cells) Low-Quality Gas < 25 % CH 4 Thermal Oxidation Catalytic Oxidation Combustion low Quality CMM Use as additional Fuel for Gas engines High-Quality Gas > 50% CH4 Natural gas pipelines Vehicle fuel (CNG, LNG) Local distribution Power generation Heat generation (Fuel cells) Technologies for CMM utilisation
No. 15 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus Power production on site from own resources Saving of coal for own heat requirements Additional revenues from emissions trading Additional stimulation of mine degassing Increase of mine safety Technology can also utilise high quality gas Utilisation close to production Medium-Quality Gas 25% < CH4 < 50% Power generation Heat generation Combined heat & power generation Boiler fuel Coal mine heating Ventilation air heating Coal drying District heating Industrial applications Technologies for CMM utilisation CMM Utilisation Opportunities
No. 16 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM economics
No. 17 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus CMM economics power price determines the economy
No. 18 Donetsk, 17. October 2013 — C. Backhaus Thank you for your attention Clemens Backhaus A-TEC Anlagentechnik GmbH Moers, Germany Tel.: for Russian language Sergej Wagner Tel.: