Gospel Ministry What Mission and Being Missional is all about, 2 Corinthians 4
Vv.1-3 Demands Confidence in Christ and His Work Through God’s mercy we have this ministry Paul broadens the discussion in a way that includes all Christians Discouragement can lead to distortions The key thing is submission to the new work of Christ
Vv. 4-6 The Gospel itself displays the Glory of Christ Our task is to share the gospel The Gospel displays the glory of Christ Its news about Jesus, who he is, what he has done in order to redeem a people for himself and about the new creation Its not preaching about ourselves God still says ‘let there be light’. Through his mercy blind people see.
Vv Gospel Ministry is Characterised by Death to Self and Overflowing Life in Christ. What is more important, the wrapping or the gift? Suffering for the Gospel- Paul’s example, a paradox Enduring self-death so that the life of Jesus is revealed. This is a shame to honour reversal.
To prayerfully consider and respond Are we driven by our confidence in Jesus and his work? What does that look like in terms of your life decisions? Do we feel fragile and unworthy? How is Jesus being seen in your life? How do you view your troubles? Will we let God’s glorious future invade our present?