Turn Everything to Love A Rule of Life for Lay Members of the Vincentian Family Vincentian Family
Vincentian Retreat Opening Prayer
Focusing on Christ as the Center “First: Jesus If we forge ahead with our own arrangements, with other things, with beautiful things but without Jesus we make no headway, it does not work. Jesus is more important…” (Pope Francis)
Serving in the W Workplace “ The Church must step outside herself. To go where? To go to the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be, but she must step out. In this “stepping out” it is important to be ready for encounter… Encounter with others. Why? Because faith is an encounter with Jesus.” (Pope Francis)
Rooting Life in Prayer “What assures our fruitfulness is our being fruitful to Jesus who says: “Abide in me and I in you”. And we know what that means: to contemplate him, to worship him, to embrace him in our daily encounter with him in the Eucharist, in our life of prayer… it means to recognize him present and to embrace him in those most in need. (Pope Francis)
Journeying with Friends “Jesus did not say: ‘One of you go’, but ‘ALL of you go’: we are sent together. Dear young friends, be aware of the companionship of the whole Church…Jesus did not call the Apostles to live in isolation, he called them to form a group, a community.” (Pope Francis)