January 19, 2010 Lesson Thirteen. Key Question: How does my Lord care for me until he comes to judge the living and the dead?


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Presentation transcript:

January 19, 2010 Lesson Thirteen

Key Question: How does my Lord care for me until he comes to judge the living and the dead?

1. What assurance do you have since Jesus, your Lord, is seated at God's right hand? a. Matthew 28:20* Jesus is not stuck in heaven, but present everywhere b. Matthew 28:18* Jesus has all power over everything c. Ephesians 1:20-22 Jesus uses that power for the good of his people, the Church God's right hand: All power over everything belongs to Jesus

2. What work does Jesus do with this almighty power? a. Mark 16:15* As my Prophet, he sends believers to speak his Word b. 1 John 2:1* As my High Priest, he pleads my case before God c. 2 Timothy 4:18* As my King, he protects me to bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom

3. When will Jesus come again? a. Matthew 24:36 No one can predict the day b. Revelation 1:7 Everyone will see it when it happens c. Matthew 24:42-44 Jesus wants me to always be ready Judgment Day: The Last Day when Jesus comes in glory to judge the living and the dead

4. How can I be ready? a. John 3:18* Jesus will judge everyone on the basis of whether they believed his Word or not b. Acts 4:4 Therefore to be ready I need to keep on hearing and believing his Word

Key Question: How does my Lord care for me until he comes to judge the living and the dead? Jesus, my Lord, cares for me as my Prophet, High Priest, and King until he comes again to take me and all believers to heaven