Unit 5 Level D
Accomplice n. a person who takes part in a crime Synonym: partner in crime, confederate In the movie, Despicable Me, the minions become accomplices for the girls and their partners in crime.
Annihilate v. to destroy completely Synonym: obliterate, decimate, demolish Antonym: foster, promote, encourage, nurture With a few easy blows, the crane annihilated the building destroying it completely.
Arbitrary adj. unreasonable; based on one's wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness Synonyms: capricious, high- handed, autocratic. Antonyms: reasoned, rational, objective, equitable. People who are arbitrary in their attitudes are often unreasonable and difficult to deal with.
Brazen (adj.) shameless, impudent; made of brass Synonyms: saucy, bold. Antonyms: deferential, respectful, self-effacing. Some critics argue that Miley Cyrus’s behavior is brazen at times, shameless and offensive in many people’s opinion.
Catalyst n. a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction Synonyms: stimulus, spur, instigator When baking soda and vinegar are mixed together the chemical reactions creates a catalyst producing a mass of foam.
Exodus n. a large-scale departure or flight Synonyms: emigration, escape Antonyms: immigration, influx, arrival, entrance Vacation season can create a mass exodus of workers to holiday location as masses depart cities.
Facilitate v. to make easier; to assist Synonyms: ease, smooth the way, simplify Antonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede The service dog helped to facilitate the athletes participation in the race assisting her since she was blind an unable to run it alone.
Incorrigible (adj.) not able to be corrected; beyond control. Synonyms: unruly, intractable, incurable, inveterate. Antonyms: tractable, docile, curable, reparable. The teacher found it difficult to control the children’s incorrigible behavior once the food fight began in the cafeteria.
Latent (adj.) hidden, present but not realized. Synonyms: dormant, inactive, undeveloped. Antonyms: exposed, manifest, evident. Using a fingerprint kit, investigators can reveal latent prints hidden from view.
Militant (adj.) given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause; (n.) an activist. Synonym: truculent. Antonyms: unassertive, peaceable, passive. On the television show “Whale Wars,” militant activists aggressively support the cause to ban whale hunting.
Morose (adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable. Synonyms: morbid, doleful. Antonyms: cheerful, blithe, jaunty, buoyant. The morose look on the cat’s face revealed its gloomy and sullen feelings.
Opaque Adj. not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid Synonyms: hazy, cloudy, foggy, murky, dull, obtuse Antonyms: transparent, clear, bright, perceptive Using an opaque cup can protect liquid affected by light as an opaque cup will not let light through. opaque translucent transparent
Paramount adj. chief in importance, above all others Synonyms: supreme, foremost, primary, dominant Antonyms: secondary, subordinate, ancillary It is paramount that one pay attention to important messages when there is a special news bulletin or a weather alert.
Prattle (v.) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble; (n.) baby talk, babble. Synonyms: (v.) chatter. The speaker lost focus and prattled on talking aimlessly for far too long, audience members became easily bored and a few were even heard snoring.
Rebut v. to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to refute Synonyms: disprove, shoot holes in Antonyms: confirm, substantiate, corroborate The player disputed the umpires call of a strike and presented evidence showing the replay video he offered rebutting the original call the player was vindicated.
Reprimand v. to scold; find fault with; a rebuke Synonyms: reproach, admonish Antonyms praise, pat on the back Professor Snape often enjoys reprimanding Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, finding fault with them and scolding them.
Servitude (n.) slavery, forced labor. Synonyms: captivity, bondage, thralldom. Antonyms: freedom, liberty. The servitude of many Africans into slavery and forced labor is a very dark period in the history of the world.
Slapdash (adj.) careless and hasty. Synonyms: cursory, perfunctory, sloppy, slipshod. Antonyms: painstaking, meticulous, thorough, in-depth. In the morning some people are careless and hasty, this slapdash behavior can spell disaster for morning coffee when in a hurry one falls spilling everything.
Stagnant adj. not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull Synonyms: still, motionless, inert, inanimate Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh, lively Stagnant water is often foul from inactivity since the lack of water flowing into it makes it impossible to remain clean and clear.
Succumb (v.) to give way to superior force, yield. Synonyms: submit, die, expire. Antonyms: overcome, master, conquer. When dieting it is difficult to not to succumb to temptation when weighing a decision whether on not to eat a donut or an apple.