Spelling and Vocabulary Unit 3-D The Packet and Study Guide are due on Friday.


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Presentation transcript:

Spelling and Vocabulary Unit 3-D The Packet and Study Guide are due on Friday.

1. abridge (v.) to make shorter Synonym: shorten, condense, abbreviate antonym: expand, enlarge, augment

2. adherent (n.) a follower, supporter (adj.) attached, sticking to synonym: (n.) disciple antonym: (n.) opponent, adversary, critic, detractor Leader Adherents

3. altercation (n.) an angry argument synonym: quarrel, dispute, squabble antonym: agreement, accord

Using the words in context, write a sentence using abridge and adherent & altercation.

4. cherubic (adj.) resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent Synonym: angelic, seraphic, beatific Antonym: impish, devilish, diabolic, fiendish

5. condone (v.) to pardon or overlook synonym: ignore, wink at, turn a blind eye to antonym: censure, condemn, disapprove, deprecate The school does not condone logging on to facebook or myspace in the computer lab.

6.. dissent (v.) to disagree (n.) disagreement Synonym: (v.) differ, dispute

Write two antonyms for dissent

7. eminent (adj.) famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting

Write 2 synonyms and one antonym for eminent.

8. exorcise (v.) to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive Synonym: expel, dispel

9. fabricate (v.) to make, manufacture; to make up, invent synonym: put together, devise, contrive, concoct antonym: take apart, undo, destroy, demolish

10. irate (adj.) angry Synonym: incensed, infuriate, enraged, livid Antonym: calm, composed, cool, unruffled

11. marauder (n.) a raider, plunderer Synonym: looter, pirate, freebooter

12. obesity (n.) excessive fatness synonym: serious overweight, extreme corpulence antonym: emaciation, gauntness, scrawniness

Is it O.K. for the government to legislate (pass laws) to help its’ citizens to NOT be corpulent? Explain why or why not. Examples of recent laws are no sodas are allowed in school vending machines and all food containing trans fat must be banished from restaurants.

13. pauper (n.) an extremely poor person Synonym: destitute person Antonym: millionaire, tycoon

14. pilfer (v.) to steal in small quantities Synonym: filch, rob, swipe, purloin

Use pilfer and pauper in a sentence (must be in context)

15. rift (n.) a split, break, breach Synonym: crack, fissure, gap, cleft Antonym: reconciliation

16. semblance (n.) a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition Synonym: appearance, air, aura, veneer, facade Antonym: dissimilarity, contrast, total lack

17. surmount (v.) to overcome, rise above Synonym: conquer, triumph over Antonym: be vanquished, be defeated, succumb to

18. terminate (v.) to bring to an end Synonym: conclude, finish, discontinue Antonym: begin, commence, initiate The road abruptly terminated in the middle of the ocean.

19. trite (adj.) commonplace; overused, stale Synonym: banal, hackneyed, corny Antonym: original, novel, fresh, innovative

20. usurp (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right Synonym: seize illegally, commandeer, supplant