Starter Be prepared to show completed annotation and T chart in LN. Complete Wednesday’s activity for FoW. In Grammar Notebook, copy the following sentences. Place one line under the subject and two lines under the verb or verb phrase of each sentence. 1. A monarch butterfly may cover 3000 miles as it journeys from Canada to Mexico in its migration. 2. Scientists and researchers have discovered a complex navigational feature in the monarch butterflies. OBJECTIVE: SWBAT compare and contrast texts in essay.
Unit 1, Part 2, Day 2 August 3, 2016
Homework Complete activities not completed in class. Read independently Answer question from DOK calendar in Reading Log 4 Review LN notes; memorize terms and definitions Reading Scrapbook Pages 1, 2, and 3 are due 8/16. Cold Read Test for Unit 1 – Friday, 8/5.
PoW -- RNT Use a colored pen or pencil to make corrections to the PoW. Keep your copy of PoW 1 with other copies of texts for this quarter.
The Painted Butterfly In LN, record answers (complete sentences) to the following questions. Why do painted butterflies make long journeys? What details did the video provide to illustrate the magnitude (great importance or consequence) of the journey?
Paired Reading Read the article Monarch Migration Mystery with your partner. Use the CURE strategy to annotate as you read. As you read, complete a T-chart in LN to identify the author’s purpose.
Pair and Share Take a few minutes to share your details from the T Chart with your partner. Which details from the article made the most significant impact on you as a reader? Based on the your annotation and the details in the completed T Chart, what was the author’s purpose in writing this article?
Practicing the Writing Craft In LN, address the following prompt: Compare and contrast the journeys of the Painted Lady moth and the Monarch Butterfly. Use details from both texts as evidence. Be sure to include how they are similar (compare) and how they differ (contrast). Paragraph should include at least three details in evidence of the comparison and contrast of the two insects.
Unit Essential Vocabulary Quiz your partner to review the terms and definitions on Unit 1 Essential Vocabulary list.
Finish Early? Read silently in novel until the end of class.