Bacterial structure & Normal human flora
Kingdoms: Monera Prokaryotes Unpaired chromosomes No nucleus Eubacteria Protist Eukaryotes Paired chromosomes Nuclear structure Protozoa, algae, moulds
ProkaryoteEukaryote Nucleic acids Structured nucleus Mitochondria Ribosomes Cell Membrane Rigid Cell wall Mesosome ER/Golgi
Shape: Arrangement: Coccus Diplococci – Neisseria spp. Tetrads – Micrococcus luteus Chains – Streptococcus spp. Clusters – Staphylococcus spp. Sarcinae – Sarcina maxima Rods Individual Diplobacilli – Bacillus aureus V-shaped – Corynebacterium diptheriae Cord – Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Differentiates bacteria Gram +ve - thick cell wall Gram –ve – thin cell wall 1 st line test dx Bacterial infection Method: 1.Crystal Violet 2.Gram’s iodine 3.Acetone (Decolouriser) 4.Safranin Red
Gram +veGram -ve Thick Cell wallThin cell wall Teichoic acidOuter membrane SporulationLPS (endotoxin) Capsule Lysozyme sensitive >penicillin susceptibility<penicillin susceptibility
18month old male presents with 2/7hx of: Fever Vomiting Rash Irritable, crying Photophobia DDx??? Tests to confirm?
Reside consistently in a specific site Cause no damage to host May be beneficial Modify skin secretions/enhance digestion/defence against pathogens Differ from Transients, Opportunists, Pathogens
Colonisation: Microorganism live on/in host Does not invade tissues or cause damage. Occurs at birth Changes during puberty/menstrual cycle Normal human flora: mixture of organisms regularly found at any anatomical site Influenced by tissue type, occupation etc.
Skin: Staphylococci Coryneforms (diptheroids) Yeast Mouth/Nasopharnyx: Oral streptococci Neiserria Anaerobic bacteria Fungi Nose: Staph. aureus Potential pathogens: Strep. Pneumoniae Neisseria meningitidis Female lower genital tract: Similar to gut flora but lower numbers. Large Bowel: Anaerobic bacteria Bacteroides spp, Clostridia Aerobic bacteria Enterococci E.coli Proteus spp Klebsiella “Enterobacteria” Fungi (esp. yeasts) Lactobacilli Protozoa, helminths
Incapable of invasion & damage to host unless: Immunocompromised Abx disrupt normal flora Physical barriers breached Impaired clearance mechanism
Aspergillus fumigatus – pneumonia Cryptococcus neoformans – meningitis Toxoplasmosis reactivation - meningoencephalitis
Surgery Immunosuppression failure/normal physical barriers (wound, instrumentation) Examples: E.coli – Abdo surgery, UTI S. epidermidis – Septicaemia (IV catheter)
Skin - S. aureus/ β-haemolytic strep. Mouth - C. albicans overgrowth. Colon – C.difficile!/ Salmonella
Prokaryotes/Eukaryotes Microscopic morphology Gram staining Structural differences Gram +ve/-ve Structure of cell wall Case example Normal human flora Opportunistic pathogen Examples of infection by both