CBASM Jeopardy
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Where can I find information to help with course building and room scheduling? The CBASM website ( has a variety of information to assist with course building. You can also call CBASM staff with any questions you may have. We are happy to help! 100 GI
Are there any reports available that can show me what is in Banner for a given semester? 200 GI View daily output of your schedule on the reports server \\reports\reports\schedule_of_classes Run the BU Brain Clone in Hyperion
How do I know what section number should be on an Independent Study course? 300 GI The section numbers for independent study courses are assigned by the department for each instructor and may range from It is up to the department to keep track of the IS number for each instructor.
If a course is offered in a multi-format with a lecture, discussion and a lab, give an example of a proper section number for each of the three sections. 400 GI Linked courses should begin with a letter. Examples are: LectureA 0 DiscussionsA01, A02, A03, etc. LabsA50, A51, A52, etc. If there are multiple lecture, discussion and lab sections and a student can register for any lecture, discussion or lab, then all sections should start with the same letter. Examples are: LecturesA 0, A 1, A 2, etc. DiscussionA01, A02, A03, etc. Lab A50, A51, A52, etc. If there are multiple lecture, discussion and lab sections and a student can only register for certain lecture, discussion or lab section, then all sections should start with the same letter. Examples are: LecturesA 0B 0 DiscussionA01, A02, A03, etc.B01, B02, B03, etc. Lab A50, A51, A52, etc.B50, B51, B52, etc.
How can I obtain a cross-list identifier? 100 CL Each department was provided with a set of cross-list identifiers to be used for each semester. Cross-list identifiers should be re-used. When a set of cross-listed courses is inactivated, the cross-listing should be removed. That cross-list identifier can then be used to cross-list other courses. If a department has no available cross-list identifiers, please to obtain additional cross-list
Who is responsible for building, inactivating and modifying child courses of a cross-listed course? 200 CL The parent department is responsible for everything about the courses within a cross-listing. When course building is open, the parent department should activate, inactivate and make any other changes to all courses within the cross-listing. The parent department must ensure that the course titles, instructors, and meet patterns are the same on all courses within the cross-listing. When course building is not open, to request changes. Make sure to include information about the cross-listed sections.
What Banner form is used to add courses to a cross-listing and to modify the cross-list enrollment? 300 CL The SSAXLST form is where you can cross-list courses and update the cross-list enrollment. The cross-list enrollment should equal the sum of enrollment of all sections within the cross-listing
When is it okay to cross-list 100, 200, 300 and 400 level courses? 400 CL You may cross list 100, 200, 300 and 400 level courses for the same course subject. Levels Ok to Cross-List 100 & 200, 300 & 400√ 100 & 300, 200 & 300No 100 & 400, 200 & 400No Undergrad & 500 and above Only previously approved courses Any level, all the same subject√
If I need to request a change to a course when course building is not open, who should I contact? 100 RC to request changes to Fall and Spring courses. Changes to Summer and Winter courses should be sent to Susie Holden in the Make sure to include: Term CRN All relevant information needed to make the requested change.
If I need to make a change to a meet pattern after there are students registered for a course, what do I need to do? 200 RC A request should be sent to and, if the course is in a general purpose classroom, with the new meet pattern. We will check to see if a general purpose classroom is available, where You will need to review the schedules of the students registered in the course for a scheduling conflict with the new days/times. Students with conflicts will need to dropped from the course and sent an explaining why. Any students without a conflict may remain registered in the course, but will also need to be sent an . Copies of the s should be sent to so the meet pattern can be changed and, if necessary, a new classroom
If I want to increase enrollment on a course after classrooms have been assigned, what do I need to do? 300 RC A request should be sent to and requesting the increase. If the new enrollment exceeds the capacity of the room assigned, we will check if an appropriately sized classroom is available and, if so, will make the change to the enrollment and assign a new
How do I get a Gen Ed or a Harpur W put on a course? 400 RC Gen Eds Use the Gen Ed website or contact Liz Abate to receive approval for Gen Eds to be put on courses. Once approved, the CBASM office will then put the Gen Eds on the course. Harpur W’s The department should requesting the CBASM office to add the Harpur W to a course. The Harpur W can only be put on Harpur
Why is it important to offer courses at standard meet patterns? 100 CMP Standard meet patterns make it easier for students to register in courses to obtain a full time schedule, and standard meet patterns facilitate better classroom space utilization.
What is considered prime time? 200 CMP
What percentage of a department's courses can be offered in Prime Time and on Tuesday/Thursday? 300 CMP Prime Time/TR Rules Max 65% in PT Max 45% TR
If I need to offer a course during prime time at a non- standard meet pattern, what must I do? 400 CMP Departments can schedule courses with non-standard times during prime time in their own room, but this is discouraged If departments want to offer courses at a non-standard time during prime time in a general purpose classroom, they should off-set courses so the meet patterns are fully utilized For example, 3 courses being offered, each meeting one day per week following standard MWF meet patterns for two hours during prime time (one class meets on M, the second on W and the third on F). 3 hour classes meeting one day per week during prime time that need a general purpose classroom will be scheduled at the University Downtown Center and should follow the established meet patterns. If a course needs to be scheduled non-standard in prime-time and is not off-set, dean’s office approval is needed.
When would I use the Instructor Classroom Request Form vs. the Academic Event Reservation Form? 100 CS The Instructor Classroom Request Form is used to request a general purpose classroom for a class. It should be used for requesting special classrooms for technology or disability related requests, for requesting specific classroom features, for requesting courses to be scheduled back to back in the same classroom or to request a change in a classroom assignment. The Academic Event Reservation Form should be used to request a general purpose classroom for an event that is associated with academics, but is not a regularly scheduled meet pattern of the course. Examples are a guest speaker, a mid-term exam, showing a film outside class, a review session, etc.
When do I need to submit a request to have a class scheduled in a laptop ready classroom? 200 CS All general purpose classrooms are at a minimum laptop ready. The only time a special request needs to be made is if a VHS is needed or an HDMI connection is needed. If that is the case, please submit an Instructor Classroom Request Form by the date established for special room requests.
What size class requires a large room request and how do I make the request? 300 CS A class size of 80 seats or greater requires a large room request. During course building, the CBASM Office will send the departments a spreadsheet with their large classes based on what is in Banner at that time. The department must review the list, make changes to reflect what will be offered and return the updated spreadsheet to by the date indicated in the Course Builders
When should a session 7 be on a course? 400 CS A session 7 should be on a course if the course: Meets in a departmentally controlled classroom Meets in a computer pod The department should send a copy of the POD reservation to and put the building and room on the The course is offered as distance learning with an instructional method of OA, OS or OC. Courses needing a general purpose classroom should NOT have a session 7 Independent Study courses should NOT have a session 7