The Four Turtles of the Renaissance
Fun Facts Father was a goldsmith, Donatello got his earliest training and made a living working gold until he became more famous. His patron was Cosimo deMedici who sponsored the bronze David. When Cosimo was exiled from Florence for political reasons, Donatello had to leave, too.
Tomb of Antipope John XXIII
David at Bargello
Equestrian Statue
Statue of Saint George
Fun Facts Orphaned at age11, he apprenticed with a master painter. Was influenced by and influenced the work of Leonardo. Was a master of the fresco form, painting on plaster walls or ceilings.
Self Portrait
Saint George
School of Athens
Draught of Fishes
Fun Facts He did his most famous work before he was 30! He was a very bad student in school—he was always too busy drawing to pay attention. He knew Popes, politicians and had a strong rivalry with Leonardo.
Sistine Chapel
St. Peter's Basilica
Fun Facts He was a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Had a rivalry with Michelangelo (even abandoned a project because of Mike's insult) Often didn't complete projects. Kept very detailed journals in mirror image cursive!
Self Portrait
Study of Horse
The Last Supper
The Mona Lisa
Vitruvian Man
Anatomy of an arm
Flying Machine