Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal In consultation with DFO and Industry, GTAC has developed a number of objectives for the BC Groundfish Trawl Fishery that for the last decade are reviewed at least 4 times yearly prior to providing advice to DFO on management actions in support of these objectives. OBJECTIVES: – Maintain a sustainable and economically viable fleet and fishery Allow for specialization Allow for regionalization Get the fish out of the water Respond in a timely manner – Maintain the purpose and integrity of the permanent species caps – Balance the operational and socio-economic needs of the groundfish trawl fishery with those of other groundfish fisheries
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal GTAC, and the BC groundfish trawl industry, have been growing increasingly concerned about the declining utilization rates for many of the groundfish trawl TACs This is a product of many circumstances, including: – Choke species – Poor markets – Habitat constraints – Bycatch mortality Generally, the recommended management measure has been to raise species soft caps in season to allow for temporary concentration of quota by more efficient and/or selective fishers at times when the fish are more abundant or the market demand is higher Unfortunately, these management measures have not been sufficient to fully address declining utilization rates
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal This matter has been discussed at numerous CGRCS Directors meeting in 2015 and 2016 and the 2015 and 2016 CGRCS and DSTA AGMs The members unanimously supported allowing for the use of alternative gear (hook & line and trap gear) on a T licensed vessel The issue has also been discussed a numerous GTAC meeting over the last year (June 2015, December 2015, and January 2016) GTAC and the Industry Associations believe that using alternative gears for some species and locations will: – improve fishing selectivity – decrease bycatch mortality – reduce benthic impacts
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal There are also potential market benefits from using alternative gears, including: – Higher prices from an improved eco-certification rating – Continuity of supply to the market – Improved product quality – Expansion into new and different markets Using alternative gear will also have operational implications for the vessels, including: – Changes to the vessel stability book – Allow for harvesting outside of the bottom trawl footprint – Allow for the use of Electronic Monitoring (EM)
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal There are more than a dozen species that could be caught by alternative gear: – Big Skate – Canary – Silvergray – Yellowtail – Pacific Cod – Lingcod – Redbanded – Rougheye – Shortraker – Shortspine – Sablefish – Longnose
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal While the objectives are to increase utilization and/or provide improved economic benefits from groundfish trawl IVQ, this must be accomplished in a manner that doesn’t impair resource sustainability for any groundfish species Over the past few years the groundfish industry collectively has implemented numerous measures to help rebuild a number of rockfish species – Yelloweye, Quillback, and Bocaccio The groundfish trawl fleet has implemented an Individual bycatch quota program for Bocaccio that has proven very effective – this program would be applicable for all T licensed vessels regardless of the gear The groundfish trawl fleet has also successfully implemented measures to minimize the capture of Yelloweye and Quillback rockfish
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal The following species caught by Hook & Line or Trap gear may increase the catch and mortality of Yelloweye rockfish and Quillback rockfish:
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal The following species can be caught by Hook & Line and Trap gear without presenting any additional conservation concerns or impairment to rebuilding plans and targets for Yelloweye and Quillback rockfish:
Alternative Gear Pilot Proposal GTAC has recommended DFO allow for a 5 year pilot, enabling T license vessels to gear up with hook & line and/or trap gear for the purpose of harvesting trawl IVQ Only species that would not increase the capture of yelloweye and quillback rockfish would be permitted under the pilot GTAC also recommended that the pilot proposal be discussed with both CIC and GIAB for their consideration and comment The current management rules and T license conditions would continue to apply with respect to halibut and T licensed vessels would not be allowed to retain halibut caught by alternative gears It should be noted that in the Atlantic Region, mobile gear vessels greater than 100 ft can be put on fixed gear vessels for the purpose of fishing with fixed gear. Alternatively, fixed gear can also be fished on mobile gear vessels greater than 100 ft.