1 OOA3 Stellman – Preface and Intro u Key Ideas? u Assumptions by Stellman/Greene 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
2 OOA3 “tell everyone the truth all the time” 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
3 OOA3 “an unrealistic deadline is just a technical challenge” 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
4 OOA3 “it is always faster and cheaper to hold a review meeting than to skip it” 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
5 OOA3 “no single work product is more important than any other” 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
6 OOA3 “One key …is treating each idea objectively” 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
7 OOA3 Object-Oriented Software Developing Object Models from scenarios 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
8 OOA3 Goals – u Develop skills to produce a requirements model for a project –Use Case –Scenarios –Object Models u Learn requirement elicitation 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
9 OOA3 Rubrics (educational buzz word) u A rubric is a guideline for grading (evaluating) an assignment. E.g. “for full points the book report must include the title, author, complete synopsis, and a correct identification of style.” u What rules could be useful for deciding if the object model and sequence diagrams are good? 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
10 OOA3 Rubrics for Scenarios u All required behaviors (functionality) should be included u All significant objects and functions should be included u All entities should be in problem domain u Trivial events not related to desired system should be avoided 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
11 OOA3 Rubrics for Class Models u All significant objects and attributes in the problem domain should be included –Multiple, common attributes, operations u All required functionality should be included u All relationships between entities should be included with roles and multiplicities 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
12 OOA3 Active Task 1 – library u The library has copies of books and patrons. Patrons can have up to 3 books borrowed at a time. Each book loan has a due date. Patrons can renew borrowed books once. u What is desired system? u Develop a use case and a sequence diagrams u What are the issues and alternatives? 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
13 OOA3 Do your scenarios satisfy the rubrics? 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
14 OOA3 Active Task 2 – library u Develop the objects, attributes, functions, and multiplicities for the scenarios. u Object model must support scenarios 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28
15 OOA3 Next u Thurs, Aug 30 –C++ exam u Tues, Sep 4 –Read Stellman/Greene Ch 3 540/3 f07 OOA3 aug28