Français 10/31/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 52. Faites # 15. Why do seagulls live by the sea? Emmener – to take away or take along. Je temène chez moi. Im taking you to my house. Goals – Orale 2-1, regarder la video. Finish posting on blogs. Les Devoirs – Pas!
Français 11/1/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 53. Faites # 16. Regardez le vocabulaire, Page 52. How do pigs talk? Mieux – better. Je me sentirai mieux demain matin. Ill feel better tomorrow morning. Goals – Orale 2-1, regarder la video. Finish posting on blogs. Les Devoirs – #17, page 53
Français 11/2/11 Faites un Lotto, 6x6. Les Chiffres What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? Dormir – to sleep. Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques, Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? Brother John, Brother John, Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Goals – Learn how to tell time in french and ask what time things are happening. Les Devoirs – #21, page 55
Français 11/3/11 Ouvrez vos livres á page 54. Faites # 20. What do you call a cow that doesnt give milk? Setendre – to lie down. Je vais métendre sur le lit. Im going to lie down on the bed. Goals – Practice saying larger numbers. Associate times with activities and classes. Les Devoirs – #23, page 55. Ecrivez des phrases complets.
Français 11/4/11 Lotto 6x6, What is the frogs favorite game? Acheter – to buy. Nous acheterons une nouvelle voiture! We will by a new car! Goals – Make conversations related to time. Become stronger with numbers. Les Devoirs – pas.