Jannita Demian PETE & C PreConference Do You Have the Audacity to Podcast
Getting Audacity to Your Computer First Download Audacity – Second LAME MP3 Encoder – m=lame-mp3http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq?s=install&ite m=lame-mp3
Additional Resources Sounds & Sound Effects Videos x.html Pictures Speeches and Narrations ive1.html Let’s share other sources you use? _____________________________ In addition to the great resources provided by unitedstreaming these other resources are exemplary media sites.
Understanding Your Audacity Screen
Step 1 Record your voice by clicking the red record button and speaking into the microphone Step 2 When you are finished recording press the yellow stop button Step 3 Rewind and listen to your recording by pressing the purple rewind key and green play key
Step 4 Edit out any gaps or mistakes in the audio by using the “Selection Tool” that looks like the letter I. Highlight the text that you do not want and hit the delete button on your keyboard.
Step 5 Time to add additional audio by visiting and searching by audio clips. After you have downloaded your audio file, simply drag and drop your audio file in or click “Project” “Import Audio” and search for your file. Note, some files are in stereo and will show up as 2 different audio lineswww.unitedstreaming.com
Step 6 You can shift your audio and sound effects to the desired location, by using the Time Shift Tool Button
Step 7 If you want to save your project and continue working later, click “File” “Save Project” If you are finished, it is time to “Export As MP3”