TODAY’S GOALS Introduce and practice audio editing strategies Peer review the first draft of your podcast scripts
EXTRA CREDIT There will be two extra credit opportunities for the end of the semester. Each will count for a quiz grade or two absences, whichever will increase your grade the most All extra credit must be submitted by 5-3 Research Summary Find a newspaper/magazine/web article from a credible source The topic of this article should be related to your chosen podcast locatoin Write a 250+ word summary and reflection on the source Must include a works cited page to get credit Reflective Vlog 5-10 minute video blog entry Reflect on what you have learned in ENC1930, your first year in college, or your first year in the US Submitted via
GROUP ACTIVITY- PODCAST SCRIPT PEER REVIEW Pair up with one other student from your unit 4 groups Share the first draft of your podcast scripts, answer the questions below, and share those answers with your partner before submitting 1.What is the student’s hook? Is this better described as a logos strategy or pathos strategy? Would it successfully catch your interest? 2.Give one example each of how the student uses 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd person. 3.What locations does the student forecast? 4.What is one thing you liked about the student’s introduction? What is one suggestion you would give for revision?
AUDIO PRODUCTION OVERVIEW 1.Install Audacity (or another audio editing program) 2.Record speech 3.Import music 4.Edit and combine tracks and clips 5.Export to appropriate file type 6.Make Soundcloud account 7.Upload file to Soundcloud 8.Submit/post file link
AUDIO PRODUCTION STEPS 1.Install Audacity (or another audio editing program) Use link from the class website if needed: production-editing-resources/ 2.Record speech Simply hit the record button to start If you stop recording, audacity will resume recording in a new track You can freely cut, copy and paste tracks or even different files together
AUDIO PRODUCTION STEPS 3.Import music Use File Import Audo to add music as an extra track -or- Open the music file with audacity and copy/paste the music into a new track New tracks can be created at any time using: Tracks Add New Stereo 4.Edit and combine tracks and clips Combine your music and voice recordings together into one continuous file When finished, you should listen to your whole recording at least once before proceeding to the next step
AUDIO PRODUCTION STEPS 5.Export to appropriate file type Audacity files are saved as *.aup by default. This type of file cannot be played by other programs until exported Use File Export Audio to turn your file into a usable audio file type.wav (32 bit) or.mp3 are the recommended file types to use for maximum compatibility 6.Make Soundcloud account Create an account with a valid address Log into your address to verify your soundcloud account
AUDIO PRODUCTION STEPS 7.Upload file to Soundcloud Log into soundcloud and hit the “upload’ button to upload your sound file This will generate a link for your newly uploaded audio file 8.Submit/post file link Submit your link via or post the link on your blogs to receive credit
CLASS ACTIVITY- AUDIO PRODUCTION In your unit 4 groups Use audacity to record your podcast introduction Add at least sample of background music Export your file and upload it to Soundcloud Submit your Soundcloud link as well as the names of your group members via for credit for today’s class activity
HOMEWORK Podcast Walking Tour – Draft words At minimum, should include your introduction, directions to the first location (or two), and explanation of that location Printed and brought to class on Tuesday