Code: BM301 Mathematics for Computing Prof.(Dr.) Monalisa Banerjee By
Propositional logic, Logical equivalence Permutation and combinations Generating functions, Recurrence relations Graph Theory Concepts Graphs, sub-graphs, cyclic graphs Trees, spanning trees, binary trees, Algorithms- Prim’s, Kruskal Isomorphism, homomorphismSyllabus
Finite automata – NFA, DFA, Conversion, Mealy M/C, Moore M/C, Introduction to Languages & Grammars and their relation with Automata.Syllabus
Books Books: 1. K.L.P. Mishra & N. Chandrasekharan – “Theory of Computer Science”, PHI 2. Hopcroft JE. and Ullman JD., “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages & Computation”, Narosa.
Lesson Plan BM A brief introduction and motivation about this subject along with complete Syllabus, Book names and Lesson plan distribution 2 Finite automata – NFA, DFA 3 4 NFA, DFA, Conversion
Lesson Plan BM Mealy M/C, Moore M/C 6 7 Introduction to Languages & Grammars and their relation with Automata 8