Presented by Lori Auten
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Anonymous
According to recent research projects Success in business depends 15% on technical knowledge and 85% on “people skills”.
What makes up your professional image? It’s a combination of Ability to establish rapport Verbal Communication Skills Non-verbal Communication Skills ◦ Body Language ◦ Your dress ◦ Your voice – Your vocal volume and how quickly you speak
93% of your communication is non-verbal and body language is an important part of the non-verbal. Posture Eye contact Gestures Facial Expression – Do you know your standard facial expression?
1. Do you have a high level of integrity? Do you tell the truth? Do you see tasks through to completion and avoid cutting corners? 2. Do you practice the Golden Rule? A true professional treats others with respect and expects the same from them. 3. Do you take full responsibility for the results of your efforts and actions? 4. Do you keep confidential information confidential? 5. Do you take pride and satisfaction in the work you do? By Dr. Laura Hills, President, Blue Pencil Institute (
Your Professional Presence is Your Brand Promise
1. What’s my meaningful and differentiable value proposition or brand promise? What is it that I do that adds value my organization, my team, my customers? 2. Does my value proposition or brand promise support where I want to go in my career? 3. How do others truly see me? Physically what do they see? Emotionally, what do they perceive or think about when they consider me and my work and abilities? 4. What are the gaps between my view of my brand and value proposition and the view that others perceive? 5. What behaviors do I have to change or develop to reinforce my brand promise? 6. How will I know if it’s working? What’s my mechanism for measuring and continuously improving?
1. Breaching confidentiality 2. Inappropriate conversations in front of clients 3. Use of bad language 4. Rudeness 5. Lack of dress code adherence
“F” stands for Fit “A” stands for Accessories “C” stands for Color “S” stands for Style
If you are the host, the person in charge or if you know both parties, then you should make the introductions The name of the person of highest rank is said first, regardless of gender. If possible, add or share some information about the person to encourage conversation. Most important to make the introduction, regardless of whose name comes first.
Everyone forgets a name. It’s better to be honest and say something like: I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name Your face is so familiar; I just can’t recall your name My mental computer is down. I can’t access your name My mind has gone blank. What is your name?
Always stand to shake hands if possible Web to web A firm handshake is a good first impression. One or two hand pumps is appropriate. Direct eye contact should be made. The handshake knows no gender. Remember the handshake scale - aim for a “4” on a scale of 1 to 5.
Never force your business card on anyone. Distribute them with restraint and respect. Have cards handy but be discreet. Always present card with the print facing the recipient. Cards should be up-to-date and readable. When you receive a card, always take time to look at it because the card is a representative of the person.
Send thank you notes after significant occasions Check for mistakes or handwritten thank you? Send notes within 24 hours
For more information, please contact: Lori Auten