Allyson Clark Multimedia Interview
Introduction Educational Background Masters of Education Ashford University Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Charleston Finance, Accounting and Business Administration 3 Year Team Captain of Varsity Softball Team Past President of Student’s In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Present Day Enactus Served on Executive board for 4 years
Intro Cont. Work Experience Year and a Half of Public Accounting – Tax One Year- Utilities Analyst for The WV Public Service Commission Substitute Teacher in the State of Ohio Volunteer for Ohio Reads Volunteer for Book Fair
Teaching Philosophy Lead by Example Golden Rule Provide a positive learning environment Always be prepared but open to change- Flexibility Set Attainable Goals with the students We are educating the future of America Always, always, always inspire creativity
Classroom Management Plan Set High Standards Keep it Simple Be open to change if original plan does not work for student success Start with the End Goal in Mind Rules: Be Honest Respect Yourself Be A Good Listener Follow Directions Always Do Your Best
Classroom Model Hybrid or Blended Model Combining best of both worlds Eliminating the constant struggle of homework Allows for more time for questions Students will be able to access lessons online in order to repeat necessary areas if struggling
Roles in the Classroom Teacher Oriented Assertive Discipline Progressively Blend in Conflict resolution goal is to serve as a guide in the students education by year end Students will express their interest in certain areas Encourage personal learning to achieve greatest success- investment is key
Effective Lesson Planning Backwards Design is key to an overall successful lesson Beginning with what you desire the students to achieve is what drives this success Outcomes Based Incorporate common core standards National Education Teacher Standards (NETS-T) Keep up with technological advances
Importance of Assessment Successfully combine formative and summative assessment styles Understand importance of flexibility in terms of summative assessments Use formative to reach a final summative Achieve Standards based learning under common core standards
Thank You Thank you for your consideration for this prestigious position and opportunity If Offered this position it would mean Success personally and professionally Help revitalize the school by setting high standards Keeping the future plan for success simple Warrior Pride