Standard 9: Objective 1 Purpose of therapeutic modalities To provide the optimal healing environment for healing to take place Thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical application to elicit and adaptive response Selection of therapeutic modalities Treatment Goal? Inflammatory state, tissue depth, tissue pathology, limb function Available Modalities? Exclude contraindicated modalities Modality Type? Surface area being treated Application Technique and Protocol Gate Control Theory a non-painful stimulus can block the transmission of a noxious stimulus Activation of the Sensory/Proprioception fibers “closes the gate”/inhibits painful impulses This is why rubbing an injury can help alleviate/remove some of the pain.
Standard 9: Objective 2 Use books to complete
Standard 9: Objective 3 Guidelines of a rehabilitation program Individualize, aggressive w/out causing harm, variety Common mistakes Treatment of symptoms not cause, neglecting opposite side, neglecting postural defects, mal-alignment, and biomechanical imbalances Appropriate goal setting Clear, concise, and measurable short and long term goals SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Relevant/Realistic, Time Components of a rehabilitation program Set goals, control pain, restore ROM, strength, endurance, power, stability, cardiovascular fitness
Standard 9: Objective 3 Phase 1: maintain conditioning, control swelling & pain, increase ROM Phase 2: restore full ROM, strength, endurance, speed, power in all muscle groups, skill patterns and proprioception Phase 3: functional and sport specific skills, restore balance and proprioception, return to sport SAID principle: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands Your body will react to the stresses placed upon it Wolf’s Law: bone will adapt to the loads placed upon it Overload principle: a greater than normal load on the body is required for training adaptation to take place. Once the body has adapted then a different stimulus is required to continue the change
Standard 10: Objective 1 What are the 5 phases of grief? Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance Compare and Contrast athletes that deny pain and LOF or view injury as a source of relief. View injury as loss of identity and position View injury as their only escape from sport demands and stresses
Standard 10: Objective 2 What are performance and outcome goals? Performance: short-term objectives, relate to overall goals, include clearly defined expectations for success Outcome: to do with winning or performing better than someone else, long term. Relaxation techniques: Focused breathing, progressive muscle relaxation: Sends confidence building message, enhances muscles ability to recover, decreases injury which decreases stress Visual imagery: aids in rehab and healing, reduction of anxiety, and improve performance.
Standard 10: Objective 3 Compare and Contrast staleness and burnout Compare: both prevent athlete from achieving previous performance results Contrast: Staleness is due to overtraining, burnout is due to frequent ineffective efforts because of stress/dissatisfaction Prevent Staleness and Burnout: Remove from activity Time off Allow athlete to have more control Decrease emotional/stressful demands Avoid repetition Sufficient attention to complaints and small injuries Supportive and caring environment