Tuesday, April 12 th, 2011 History of the Southwest & Mexico IN: Where did we leave Dances With Wolves yesterday? Content Objective: I will analyze how cultures meet by policying out the effects of US Expansion into Lakota Sioux territory in a letter from Dances With Wolves to the U.S. President
Dances With Wolves Reflection: Write a letter as Dances with Wolves (John Dunbar) to the President of the United States of America (President Grant) Describe what happened when the US Army met the Lakota Sioux. Be sure to point out the effects of the two cultures meeting: – Did one culture disappear? – Did the other culture take over? – Did they combine to create a new culture together?
Example: Dear President Grant, – My name is Dances with Wolves. Two years ago I was assigned to Fort Segwick as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. My name then was John Dunbar. My job was to rebuild the fort and guard against indian “hostiles”. Over the next year I became close friends with my neighbors, the Lakota Sioux. I found them to be honest, loyal people. They care for each other, they laugh often, They are not the monsters they were made out to be… – When the U.S. army arrived…