Physical Education
In rugby the primary 7's have been learning to make quick decisions. They have also been learning to show respect to others and to the rules of the game. Learning the rules for a scrum.
The children had a chance to evaluate their performance to identify their strengths and development needs.
All the primary 7 children attended the rugby festival where they had the opportunity to apply the skills they had been learning into a more competitive games context. Showing respect to their opponents.
Primary 5/6 have been working as part of a team to identify their strengths and development needs. They took turns being the team captain and were responsible for warming their team up and selecting a part of their game to work on. Defending Decision Making They have been learning to use defensive strategies in order to regain possession in games.
Team Strengths and development needs.
Primary 5 have been developing object control and accuracy in striking. They have also been learning to work with others to design a hole for a golf course. Keeping eye on ball Problem Solving Team
Primary 4 have been learning about the different aspects of fitness. They took part in fitness tests and from these decided on an area of fitness to work on. They had to show determination to keep going even when they were tired.
Primary 3 have been learning to give helpful comments after watching a performance. They have been learning to perform their skills at a variety of levels while showing control.
Primary 2 We filmed our dance on the iPad and watched it back. We then made suggestions on how we could make it even better and then performed our dance again. Each class performed their dance to the rest of the school.
P4 evaluation sheet In our lessons we have been learning to evaluate a performance and to give positive feedback to help improve the performance.
We used travel, jumps, gestures and pause of movement to help us create an Olympic themed dance. Creativity Balance Hold a pose
Gymnastics In gymnastics we have been learning to use the iPad to evaluate our own and others’ performance and we have used this information to help improve our performance.