Butte County School Board Meeting July 21, 2015 Superintendent Report If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Today was the absolute worst day ever And don’t try to convince me that There’s something good in every day Because when you take a closer look, The world is a pretty evil place. Even if Some goodness does shine though once in a while Satisfaction and happiness don’t last And it’s not true that It’s all in the mind and heart Because True happiness can be attained Only if one’s surroundings are good It’s not true that good exists I’m sure that you can agree that Our reality Creates Our attitude It’s all beyond my control And you’ll never in a million years hear me say Today was a very good day Now read it from the bottom to top, the other way and see what I really feel about my day. The Worst Day Ever
Climate Survey Results IRI Results ISAT Results Track Update Staffing Update ISBA Training Report In this Report
Our buildings are clean and in good condition: Strongly Agree – 2 Agree – 21 Neutral – 2 Disagree –1 Strongly Disagree - 0 Climate Survey Results
Students and staff are safe on school grounds and in school buildings Strongly Agree 7 Agree13 Neutral1 Disagree5 Strongly Disagree0
I have the freedom I need in my job to make a difference. Strongly Agree8 Agree16 Neutral0 Disagree2 Strongly Agree0
Our students are motivated to learn Strongly Agree – 0 Agree - 11 Neutral -11 Disagree3 Strongly Disagree 1
Parents respect and work well with teachers and staff. Strongly Agree 0 Agree20 Neutral5 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree1
Students in our schools are well-behaved. Strongly Agree0 Agree18 Neutral6 Disagree2 Strongly Disagree0
We have strong opportunities for professional development Strongly Agree 1 Agree9 Neutral8 Disagree8 Strongly Disagree0
I use technology effectively in my classroom. Strongly Agree1 Agree18 Neutral6 Disagree0 Strongly Disagree0
Administrators support me. Strongly Agree5 Agree16 Neutral 3 Disagree2 Stongly Disagree0
I feel part of a team of professionals Strongly Agree3 Agree18 Neutral3 Disagree1 Strongly Disagree1
GRADEFALL WINTERSPRING Kindergarten60%60%60% 1 st Grade70%70%70% 2 nd Grade80%80%80% 3 rd Grade85%85%85% IRI Goals
Year ScoreGoal_____________ %85% 79.41%85% %85% 62.07%85% %85% 61.29%85% %85% 76.47%85% If targets aren’t attained, a growth of 5% from Fall to Spring meets target 3 rd Grade IRI Results
Grade ArcoELA/LiteracyMath Idaho 353%+558%+848%50% 457%+951%+846%43% 555%+345%+752%38% 652%+324%-849%36% 770%+1943%+551%38% 864%+1325%-1251%37% 952%+/-24%-452%28% 1067%+740%+1060%30% 2015 ISAT RESULTS
Next Steps: 1. Continue meeting with staff. Set goals for year. 2. Identify Safety Concerns; Develop Safety Plan specifically for concerns 3. Build professional development 4. Look at how technology is being used. 5. Build Teamwork Deadlines: August 17 – begin collaboration with staff August 20 – Plans drafted. Next Steps
*July 20 – Guest bleachers measured for plans. Installation after track is finished. *July 27 th - Rocky Mountain Power – Transformer pole relocation. *July 22 – 3/4" gravel base course work begins *July 30 - All base preparation should be complete. *August 7th – Pavement *August 17 – Fencing. *August 24 – Rubber. Track Project
Science Teacher Interview Wednesday SpEd Vacancy: SpEd Teachers & Directors to meet Monday to draft testing, IEP meetings, and classroom instruction schedules. Parents will be provided copies of draft and asked for their input. Staffing Update
Standard 1: Vision & Mission Standard 2: Continuous Improvement Standard 3: Advocacy Standard 4: Accountability Standard 5: Community Engagement Standard 6: Board Operations & Training ISBA Conference - Coeur d’Alene, Nov ISBA Training
Today was the absolute worst day ever And don’t try to convince me that There’s something good in every day Because when you take a closer look, The world is a pretty evil place. Even if Some goodness does shine though once in a while Satisfaction and happiness don’t last And it’s not true that It’s all in the mind and heart Because True happiness can be attained Only if one’s surroundings are good It’s not true that good exists I’m sure that you can agree that Our reality Creates Our attitude It’s all beyond my control And you’ll never in a million years hear me say Today was a very good day Now read it from the bottom to top, the other way And see what I really feel about my day The Worst Day Ever
Danke – German Merci – French Sho-krun – Arabic Thanks y’all – Texan Dios bo a tik – Mayan Muchas Gracias y Machos Garcias – Spanish To-may-a-ri-ga-to – Japanese Danke -- German A World of Thanks