Nicholy Johnson, Program Consultant Ivy Starns, Program Consultant Addressing Kindergarten Grade-Level Expectations Through Portfolio Assessment
Contents of a Portfolio Work samples Photographs Audio/Video Entries Checklists Screening Tests Anecdotal Notes
Advantages of Portfolio Assessment Celebrates child’s progress over time Helps guide instruction Helps in sharing information with others Helps children feel ownership and pride
Traditional Assessment vs. Portfolio Assessment
9/26/03 Marley During small group time, I spread the name cards of six children out on the table. I asked Marley to show me her name. She chose Michael’s name card. I asked her to try again, and she chose her name card. Afterwards, she took markers and paper and attempted to write the letters in her name.
Using Portfolio Assessment to Document Progress Toward Accomplishing the Kindergarten Grade-Level Expectations INTRODUCING
USING PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT TO DOCUMENT PROGRESS TOWARD ACCOMPLISHING THE KINDERGARTEN GRADE-LEVEL EXPECTATIONS Child’s Name:______________ ID#: __________________________ Identified Disability (if applicable):___________________________ Year: _______________ School:_____________________________ Teacher: ______________________________________________________ Comments:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
RECORDING KEY Circle the appropriate method of documentation included in the portfolio for each time period. W – Work Sample A – Anecdotal Note/Record P – Photograph O – Other + Indicates the child can do the task - Indicates the child cannot do the task
NUMBER OF GLEs ACCOMPLISHED GLE# Items # Accomplished % Accomplished English Language Arts 59 Mathematics24 Science32 Social Studies20
MATHEMATICS NUMBER AND NUMBER RELATIONS FallWinterSpring Count by ones to 20 (N-1-E, N-3-E) W A P O + or - W A P O + or - W A P O + or -
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