Your questions answered………….
Yes, there will be a start time given to each parent from 9.00 – Photos (backdrop area will be provided for a photo of your own child) Guest limit – only 2 adults with a child please Please see your child settled then say a quick good-bye.
Full day from the start this year Hours are When you collect your child they will have a name card. This must be returned to their teacher by the adult taking the child home.
Yes, from week 2 No cost Lunches Please have names on the outside of lunch boxes. Remember snack is kept out of the lunch box. Class water bottles
There will be a gradual build up in homework and it will include : Shared Readers Active Number Work e.g. games Forward and backward number word sequences Letter and number formation Sound work
Purple sweatshirt with school name (initially) Grey/black skirt or trousers Black shoes (No laces please) Black gym rubbers (slip on) PE kit shorts and t-shirt (no football tops) Names on everything please.
Let’s have a look………
Picture First Sound m a n Sound Out caterpillar Remember tricky words
Sounds not names (until later) Talking is the key Read stories (Don’t allow DVD’s at bedtime!) Children feed on success so don’t make it too difficult Make it FUN!
We aim for: Giving real life skills Making it relevant for the children Helping the children understand the importance it has on their lives Making sure children are secure with skills and can transfer to other situations We differentiate for individual needs
Objects Counting with fingers Rabbit ears
Make it fun! Don't get dragged down by homework! Talk to your child about what they have learnt and how. You are not expected to teach it but support and encourage. Give a positive attitude no matter what your own experiences of maths is! Focus on amounts and not just numerals Make maths real!
Medical conditions Changes to family circumstances Pick up arrangements – keep us in the loop Help us to support your child by letting us know of any issues
There will be opportunities for parents to come into the school and see the beautiful environment their child(children) will be working in. This is likely to happen before the September break.