Fair and Legal Use What do I need to know?
Introduction We live in a digital society. We are surrounded by technology and online information everywhere! With all the information out there, we need to make sure that we are using the information we find properly. In this Web Assignment you will: 0 1. describe what copyright, fair use, public domain and plagiarism are 0 2. understand the social responsibility of using copyrighted materials 0 3. create a project to demonstrate your knowledge of these concepts
Key Vocabulary In this assignment we will discuss four major terms. You will need to define the following terms below. 0 Copyright 0 Fair use 0 Public domain 0 Plagiarism
Show What You Know! Directions: On a piece of paper or in a word processing document, create a 3 column, 5 row chart to create a KWL organizer. Next, write or type what you think each of the follow terms (copyright, fair use, public domain, and plagiarism)mean under the “K” column. See the next slide for an example.
K W L Copyright Fair Use Public Domain Plagiarism
K (I wrote what I know about each term) Now… Fill out the “W” column Directions: In the “W” column, write 1 or 2 things you would like to know about each of the key terms. Remember: “W” stands for “What I want to know.” Avoid using statements like the following: 0 I want to learn what copyright means. 0 I don’t know what I want to learn. Instead, think about who, what, when, where, or why questions you could ask such as what is the purpose of copyright laws?
Watch the following School Tube videos and complete the “L” portion on what you Learned (Give 2- 3 concepts you learned about each term) 0 d%20Fair%20Use d%20Fair%20Use 0 at%20you%20need%20to%20know at%20you%20need%20to%20know 0 0What%27s%20plagiarism? 0What%27s%20plagiarism 0 e%20Images%20that%20are%20Legal%20to%20Reuse e%20Images%20that%20are%20Legal%20to%20Reuse 0 If you need additional resources to complete the “L” portion on what you learned, go to the following sites:
Partner Work: Review the following six scenarios and determine if it is an example of Fair Use or not and tell why or why not. Scenario #1: Dave is doing a research project for school. He has used one book, an encyclopedia, a government document, and several subject related websites to compile background for the paper. Although he has cut and pasted a few quotes from the web, these were presented with quotation marks and sources listed. He summarized the rest of information in his own words. He has cited all of his summaries and quotes which are not common knowledge or his own original thoughts. Is this acceptable? Explain why it is or is not Fair Use.
Scenario #2: Jenny is working on a persuasive paper for school. She goes online to find some facts for her paper. She finds a document that has a lot of good points for her paper and is written really well. She decides to copy and paste several parts of the document for her paper without putting the information in her own words. After all, typing it out by hand would take longer and she liked the way it was worded in the document. Is this acceptable? Explain why it is or is not Fair Use.
Scenario #3: Grandma films her grand kids, great nieces, great nephews, and their friends. She has created DVD copies of the family films to give to relatives and friends. Some of the scenes in the film are from a high school musical in which the kids performed. For each copy distributed, she asks for reimbursement cost to pay for the blank DVD. Is this OK? Why or why not? Scenario #4: Tom likes to read the Harry Potter stories and decides to copy his favorite chapter from each book of the series using a photocopier. He custom designs his own booklet which includes images found on the Web from the popular Harry Potter films as well as posted comments of fans on blogs from the Web. He has obtained no permission from the author, film creator, or blog authors. He plans to sell the booklet to Harry Potter fans on the Web. Is this a good idea? Is this Fair and Legal? Why or why not?
Scenario #5: Julie purchases music from legal websites such as iTunes and Rhapsody which she burns to her MP3 player. Is this legal? Why or why not? Scenario #6: Julie frequently shares these music files with her friends. Is this legal? Why or why not? Some of these scenarios were found from or modified from the following website:
Putting It All Together 0 With your partner, create a Power Point or Google Presentation to demonstrate your knowledge of copyright law, fair use, public domain, and plagiarism. Requirements: - Create 12 content slides (3 slides for each term- One slide defining each term in your own words; one slide giving information about what you learned about that term; and one slide that includes your own example or scenario of proper use of that term) - Include pictures on six or more slides. Make sure include the website where you found each picture. (Saying you found your pictures on Google is not enough!) - Copy and paste the websites you used to find your information and pictures. These websites must be including in your slides or at the end in a Works Cited Slide - Include a Title slide in the beginning and a Works Cited slide to conclude - Make your Power Point/Presentation interesting and appealing to your audience