28 TH FEBRUARY At p.m we finally left from Chiavenna to Lisbon. We were very excited! After a long flight, we met our Portuguese hosts and we went to their houses...
29 TH FEBRUARY … the morning after, we had breakfast with our host family and then we went straight to school. We took part in some lessons, where we met some other guys, then we presented the work that we had made for the Comenius project.
In the afternoon we all went through Lisbon. We went to see some of its beautiful places such as Sintra and Cabo de Rocha, the westest place in Europe. During the evening we went out all together to eat an ice cream. It was very funny ! :)
1 ST MARCH After a short meeting at school, where we discussed about the differences and similarities between our schools, we went to the hills of Lisbon. Unfortunat ely it started raining hard ! :( For that reason we had the rest of the day free...
2 ND MARCH That day we went for the last time to school to say goodbye to our classmates. During the afternoon we visited Lisbon ' s Oceanario, Portugal ' s biggest acquarium. That evening we enjoyed a party to celebrate this extraordinary trip to Lisbon !
3 RD MARCH After a morning spent with our hosts, at about 4 we had to say goodbye to our new friends. It ' s time to fly back to Italy... see you soon ! We will meet again in Italy !