Whether or not FORGERY has been committed. Forgery = the illegal act of reproducing someone’s signature without his or her approval.
Twelve Basic Characteristics
Ratio of height, width, and letter size
Baseline Habits
Slant: Use a protractor
Exemplar #1 Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such a sport. And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Exemplar #2 Upon that April with it showers sweet The drought of March has pierced to the root And bathed every vein in sweet liquor Of which virtue engendered is the flower.
Examination Criteria: 1.Color of ink 2.Handwriting Style: are all parts cursive or printed? 3.Stroke Quality: smooth, nervous, jittery 4.Margins and spacing between words 5.Letter size 6.Penlifts 7.Baseline: uphill/straight line/downhill 8.Unusual or fancy strokes 9. Describe i’s and t’s 10. Letter slant 11. Pen pressure