dynawebdevelopers.com HR Targets Application User guide HR Targets Application version 1.1 September 2006
dynawebdevelopers.com Employee information Enter employee full name Enter employee ID number (unique) Lookup for salesforce username if exists Create first all employee records
dynawebdevelopers.com Incentive period Lookup employee name Incentive period start and end dates Incentive quarter (3 months) or period (6 months) Bonus calculation base (ie employee salary during the period) Maximum achievable bonus % at the end of the period Employee job grade during period (if used) Final review (performance evaluation) done date at end of the period
dynawebdevelopers.com Target setting Short description of the target Numerical value for minimum and maximum targets Applied organisational level Portion this target takes from bonus % (sum of all must be 100 %) Description of criteria on how to achieve minimum or maximum target Achieved score at the end of the period Detailed comments on how the goals were met Detailed description of the target
dynawebdevelopers.com Reports HR Targets and Achievement Comments After initial target setting discussion this report is given to the employee as a target setting statement for the incentive period At the end of the incentive period and after final review date this report is given again to the employee as a final commented results HR Targets Achievement After final review the numerical scores are used to calculate the achieved bonus % HR Targets Bonus Calculation After final review the numerical scores are used to calculate the achieved cash payout