I know Great Britain
Trafalgar Square
Do you know Great Britain?
Do you know Great Britain Sights British literature Who What Where Holidays GreatBritons Выход
Sights 100 A large park in London
НАЗАД выход Hide Park
Sights 200 The largest international airport
Sights 300 A large stadium for football competitions in London
НАЗАДВЫХОД Wembley Stadium
Sights 400 An art gallery in Trafalgar square
НАЗАДВЫХОД The National Gallery
Sights 500 A square in London with the figure of Eros
НАЗАДВЫХОД Piccadilly Circus
British literature 100 British literature 100 An English playwright and poet, one of the most famous ever. ( 1564 – 1616) An English playwright and poet, one of the most famous ever. ( 1564 – 1616)
НАЗАДВЫХОД Sir William Shakespeare
British literature 200 A Scotland`s national poet
British literature 300 He wrote Alice`s Adventures in Wonderland
British literature 400 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is best known for his fantasy books
British literature 500 He is known for his children`s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Who What Where 100 What is the official name of the country which we call Great Britain?
Who What Where 200. Who lived in Sherwood Forest?
Who What Where 300 What is the nickname of the British flag? What is the nickname of the British flag?
Who What Where 400 Where can you see ravens in London?
НАЗАДВЫХОД The Tower of London
Who What Where 500 What is a “double- decker”?
Holidays 100 It is celebrated on December 25 th of December by Western Christians
Holidays 200 People light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire
НАЗАДВЫХОД Guy Fawkes ` Night
Holidays 300 On this day Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life
Holidays 400 It is usually celebrated on the following day after Christmas Day.
Holidays 500 The day when Queen Elizabeth ΙΙ was crowned
НАЗАДВЫХОД Coronation Day
Great Britons 100 An English admiral who won the battle of Trafalgar
НАЗАДВЫХОД Admiral Nelson
Great Britons 200 Great Britons 200 The first woman Prime Minister in Britain
НАЗАДВЫХОД Margaret Thatcher
Great Britons 300 She was called the “Queen of the Air”
Great Britons 400 He can be called the founder of nuclear physics
НАЗАДВЫХОД Ernest Rutherford
Great Britons 500 Great Britons 500 The great architect, designed 53 churches in London
НАЗАДВЫХОД Christopher Wren