Holidays in Great Britain Выполнила ученица «7г» класса Гергушкина Света
There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain: Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Day Good Friday Easter Monday May Day Spring Bank Holiday Summer Bank Holiday
In England the New Year is not so widely celebrated as Christmas. Popular way of celebrating New Year is to go to New Year dance. Most hotels and dance halls hold a special dance on New Year's Eve.
Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon on. It is also a time when certain old traditions are observed. It’s the time of giving presents, and the Easter egg is the most popular emblem of this holiday.
Many people celebrate Easter Sunday by decorating, exchanging or searching for eggs. The eggs may be fresh or boiled eggs, chocolate eggs or eggs made of other materials. Many children believe that the Easter bunny comes to their house or garden to hide eggs.
In many places, May Day, or the Early May Bank holiday, is on the first Monday of May each year and celebrated as the start of the summer season.
Children, particularly girls, dance around a tall pole, from which ribbons are suspended. In some areas, girls go out very early to wash their faces in the morning dew. This is supposed to make them very beautiful in the coming year.
Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25 th of December. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their Christmas trees with toys and houses with holly and a bunch of mistletoe.
In Britain, Boxing Day is usually celebrated on the 26 th of December. Boxing Day is public holiday. This means it is typically a non working day in the whole of Britain.
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