The Open House and Public Meeting for the Zoning By- law review were held March 1 and 15, New mapping for Aggregate Resources, Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW) mostly in North Burgess, and Floodplain along the Tay River was provided to the Township. Floodplain mapping and corrections to errors will be adopted first. PSW and Aggregate mapping will be adopted in the Fall of The Strategic Plan will also be updated in 2016.
A n age friendly community “is one where policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environments are designed to support and enable older people to live in a secure environment, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in their communities”. Tay Valley received funding form the province to create an Age Friendly Community Plan Survey conducted March - April 2016 Public forum July 11, :30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 217 Harper Road Township Building
The SEDWG has developed a 6 question survey aimed at businesses in Tay Valley You will be able to complete it online through Survey Monkey on the Township website Call CAO Larry Donaldson for more information
Suggestions for celebrating Canada’s 150 th
July 9, Celebrate Balderson Weekend Hwy 511 D/NE, Tay Valley Township, Balderson July 9, 2016 Pie in the Sky Maberly Agricultural Society 8-1:00 pm Tay Valley Bolingbroke Rd July 22-24, 2016 Blast from the PastTown of PerthPerth August 6, 2016 Tay Watershed Discovery Day Friends of the TayPerth Crystal Palace August 7,14,21,28 Silver Queen Mine Tours Murphys Point Provincial Park Tay Valley Elm Grove Rd. August 20, 2016 Settler Heritage Lanark County Plowing Match County Plowmen’s Association Tay Valley Scotch Line August 27, 2016 Barns, Farms and Wicked Chefs The Table Tay Valley, EcoTay -942 Upper Scotch Line August 27, 2016 Maberly Fair Maberly Agricultural Society Tay Valley Bolingbroke Rd August 27-28, 2016 Silver Lake PowwowAlgonquins Tay Valley -Silver Lake Campground, Hwy 7 Sept 3-5, 2016 Sundance Artisan ShowStudio TourTay Valley -Behind Fall River Restaurant, Maberly
Sept 11, 2016 Lanark County Harvest Festival Lanark County Beckwith -Beckwith Park Sept 15, 2016 Tay Valley through 200 years Perth & District Historical Society Perth -Legion Sept 24, 2016Doors Open- Tay ValleyDoors Open Ontario Tay Valley -Scotch Line Cemetery Oct 8-10 Perth Autumn Studio Tour Riverguild Artisans Tay Valley -Brooke Valley Rd. Dec 3, 2016Heritage House Tour Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Perth & Tay Valley Dec 28, 2016Betwixt & Between Dinner Dance Tay Valley -BVM Hall, Stanleyville
Electric Car Charging Station Fall River Restaurant Accessible Trail
Visit for more information (613)