School Overnight Program Provides residential learning experiences September – June Program Description 4 days and 3 nights. Direct experience with hands-on outdoor science. Interdisciplinary instructional practice. A record number of 4,311 students from over 92 schools in School Partnerships Program Prepare students and teachers for their 4- day learning experience. Links home classroom curriculum with 4- day learning experience. Supports community service learning projects in local neighborhood. Provides professional development for teachers while at IslandWood.
School Overnight Program: details Program Tuition Schools pay anywhere from $48 (First Place School) to $288 per student depending on the Schools % of free & reduced lunch for children (51 of our 93 schools pay at the $288 rate). Actual IslandWood cost is approximately $560 per student. This includes direct program costs, allocated salaries and organizational overhead. Scholarships & fundraising assistance is available to schools. Participants Approximately 120 – th and 5 th graders stay in residence each (M – Th) week during the school year. Students are from public, private and home schools primarily from King & Kitsap counties. Last year over 50% of our students came from high need schools. Teacher & chaperone participation is essential for program success.
Brightwater Program The Brightwater Center is the educational facility attached to Puget Sound’s most innovative wastewater treatment plant in Woodinville, Washington. IslandWood is contracted by King County to provide the educational programs offered at Brightwater. These programs focus on ecology and connecting students to the engineered watershed. In October 2014, we completed our 3 rd year of programming at Brightwater. Program Description Full day learning experiences for over 5,000 students each year. Professional development for teachers. Summer day programs. Community events. This work is funded by King County and grants.
Homewaters Program Improves students’ scientific learning by reinforcing concepts through out of classroom learning. Increases students’ environmental awareness & stewardship by connecting them to local ecosystems. Enhances students’ learning by providing support to teachers as they integrate local outdoor environmental education into classroom curriculums. Funded through grant support. Homewaters began in 1993 as the Thornton Creek Watershed Project. It operated as a separate not for profit until it merged with IslandWood in Homewaters programs target Seattle Public Schools and link to several of the science kits taught in the 4 th and 5 th grades. Last year, more than 6,600 students experienced Homewaters programs.
Bainbridge Campus Graduate Program Education for Environment and Community 10 month residential program; students live on campus Approximately students enrolled annually Certificate in Education for Environment & Community Provides half the credits necessary to complete M.Ed. at University of Washington. There is also an option to complete Master in Teaching with certification Cost $23,310 which includes room & partial board “Prepares current and future educators to create effective learning environments that offer every child the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of human and natural communities.”
Urban Graduate Program Master of Arts Education in Urban Environmental Education Fueled in part by a $600,000 gift from the Paul G. Allen Foundation A new graduate degree offered in partnership with Antioch University Seattle First cohort begins summer 2015 Differs from Bainbridge program because it is a complete five quarter degree program. This program responds to the changing urban demographic and will integrate course work with practicum experiences that embed the students in school and community. Focusing on: Educational practices Urban Ecology Collective Impact and Engagement