The Crusades The Who, What, Where, When & Why
Getting Started What do you think of when you hear the word Crusades? –What events do you associate with them? –What were their causes? –Where did they happen? The goal is to be able to answer these in detail 3 classes from now!
The Geography of Europe in 1095
What were the Crusades? Read the Handout Provided Be able to tell me what the Crusades were! The Crusades, a series of attempts to gain Christian control of the Holy Land, had a profound economic, political, and social impact on the societies involved.
What were the causes? Read page 62 to 64 Provide at least one, preferably two causes of the Crusades. Pope Urban II: –Tells the people that they are in danger of being taken over by the Byzantines –Calls all Christians to put aside their differences to fight against the Turks –Effectively calls men to arms under the slogan, “God Wills It!”
The Pope’s Message Read the section on page 63 Tasks: –Paraphrase the section »Shorten it and put it in your own words –Was the Pope persuasive? Why was he able to get so many people to fight?
The Participants Why might so many people have taken part in the Crusades, not only knights and soldiers but also ordinary people and even children?
The Crusades Continue
The Lead In… European Christians launched series of religious wars Goal to take Jerusalem, Holy Land, away from Muslims Jerusalem was the site of the Holy Temple of Jews, also where Jesus crucified, buried, was to come again Vital to Christians to control city Jerusalem Turkish Muslims took control of Persia, other lands, persecuted Christians visiting region Turks attacked Byzantine Empire, destroyed army, 1071 Emperor turned to Western Europe, Pope Urban II, for help
The First Crusade Crusaders in two groups, peasants and knights The Peasants –Unskilled peasants answered Pope’s call »Eager to fight non-Christians in Holy Land »On the way attacked and slaughtered German Jews despite protests »Fell to Seljuk Turkish army at Jerusalem The Knights –Better trained in warfare than peasants, but unprepared for hardship of journey –Traveled three years –Siege of Jerusalem victory for Crusaders, disaster for city
The Next Seven Crusades After constant battles, each side would win then lose There was a mutual peace/respect in the 3 rd Crusade, but then fighting restarted Fighting continued for hundreds of years more
The Atrocities of War In war and battles there are many atrocities Read page 64 and answer questions #1, 2, 3
The Effects of the Crusades Social –Some Europeans respected other cultures, others intolerant –Many viewed non-Christians as enemies, persecuted Jews –Holy Land Jews saw Crusaders as cruel invaders –Relations strained for centuries
The Effects of the Crusades Political –Crusades led to deaths of many knights, nobles –Lands left vulnerable –Other ambitious nobles took control of unoccupied lands –Nobles then had more power, influence in Europe
The Effects of the Crusades Economic –Enhanced existing trade –Returning Crusaders brought more goods, spices, textiles, to Europe –Caused a change to European economic system/structure
The Long-Term Effects and Consequences Read page 65 and answer #4a and 4b