By Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh
Objectives At the end of the lecture student should be able to Define demography Discuss static and dynamic demography Define vital statistics Enumerate and discuss different sources for collection of demographic data
Introduction Demography is defined as “ the scientific study of human population, focusing attention on readily observable human phenomena” Demography is a collective study of mankind, For ex changes in population size, composition and distribution. It can be either Static demography or Dynamic demography.
Static demography – it means the study of anatomy or structure of communities and their environment in a given population. Dynamic demography – it deals with physiology or function of communities in regards to changing pattern of mortality, fertility and migration. These factors or events change the static structure of the population.
Vital statistics - it means data which gives quantitative information on vital events occurring in life like births, marriages, migration and deaths in a given population. They form essential tool in any demographic study
Collection of Demographic Data The different sources for collection of demographic data are – 1) Population census 2) Records of vital statistics 3) Records of health departments 4) Records of health institutions 5) Reports of special surveys 6) Periodic publications by WHO
1) Population Census – “The total process of collecting, compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data at specified times pertaining to all persons in a country”. Population census is carried out to access the national needs and plan programs for the welfare of people. Characteristic feature of census is, full count of population which includes each and every individual and is carried out at regular intervals. Parameters covered are age, gender, marital status, languages spoken, education, economic status etc
Uses of Population Census – 1) The census determines population of a area which can calculate health indices like birth, fertility, marriage, death etc. 2) All health services are planned and community measures are adopted as per nature and size of population. 3) Average growth of population is calculated and computed. 4) Knowledge of the population distribution helps in planning other welfare services like schools, hospitals, colleges etc.
2) Records of Vital Statistics – Another important sources of vital statistics in any country is civil registration system of that country. In Saudi Arabia it is under Central Department of Statistics & Information (CDSI)
3) Records of Health Departments – It starts right from the primary level, that is notification of epidemic diseases or any health events from the rural areas. Then the data is referred to district level and city level health departments. After that collection of data is done at state/province level from where the reports are sent to world health organization (WHO).
4) Records of Health Institutions – The routine records include returns from hospitals, health centers, dispensaries and maternity homes. The information is then passed to Directorates of Health Services. The information reflects a gross picture of disease prevalent in that area, and such data is used to access hospital needs and efficacy of certain therapeutic measures.
5) Reports of Special Surveys – Well conducted and comprehensive surveys give useful data about the health status of the community. Epidemiological surveys for communicable and non communicable diseases are done to know the incidence, prevalence of the disease. And based on the results of the surveys preventive and therapeutic measures are undertaken.
6) Periodic Publications – These include the publications from WHO, ministry of health, central department of statistics and information etc. The WHO publishes weekly, monthly and annual epidemiological and vital statistic data. The WHO also publishes the Technical Report Series, containing reports of expert committees on health statistics.