Village Life in West Africa What role did families play in W. African society? Families were the foundation for all social, economic, and government activity. Kinship– a connection among people by blood or marriage, or adoption Kinship Groups—formed the government of many African societies Clans—kinship groups with a common ancestor
Dogon village on the Bandiagara escarpment in Mali,West Africa
The Importance of Family Work—most people are farmers Women prepared food and cared for the children, made pottery, worked in the fields, and brought water to the village Men looked after large animals (cattle or camels), cleared land for farming, and built houses and fences Children were often responsible for gathering firewood, helping their fathers and tend the flocks, and helping their mother’s clean their home
Specialization Of Labor The specialization of labor led to a diverse economy Most people were farmers Others specialized in herding animals Metal working (Gold) required great skill Iron technology allowed Africans to create stronger agricultural tools and weapons As a result of labor specialization, the population grew and became wealthier
Trade and Regional Commerce How did trading develop in West Africa? By 300 AD cities began to develop Gold mining and the trade of slaves led to more contact with North Africa From North Africa, West Africa received salt, cloth, and metal North Africa received gold, slaves, ivory, and cattle hides
The Rise of Kings What is oral history? As societies developed complex trade systems, some powerful individuals called kings gained control of this system People were loyal to the king because he kept trade running smoothly For centuries West Africa had no written language. As a result, no records were kept of the history of the area or people. Instead, people told the story orally from father to son, mother to daughter.
The Storytellers West Africans passed on their history and cultural values through stories about people and spiritual forces of the natural world. Griots (gree-OHS) often used music in their stories. These stories entertained and educated. A clan’s or kinship group’s history was passed on through the griots West Africans believed that dead relatives watched over them and believed that their ancestors could help the living communicate with the creator of the universe Griots were part of religious rituals where people appealed to ancestors for favor and protection