1 Testing Various Models in Support of Improving API Scores
2 The purpose of this module is to learn how to use the API Calculation Spreadsheet to model various strategies for improving the API growth for a school and/or District. This module begins with a brief overview of Academic Performance Index (API). This module also includes a simulation where the following four strategies for improving API scores will be modeled: Strategy 1: Move every student up one performance level on the ELA, Mathematics, and Science CST. Strategy 2: Zap the Gap in Half. Move half of the current population of within each performance level up to the next level in ELA, Math, and Science. Strategy 3: Move every student out of Far Below Basic into Below Basic in ELA, Math, and Science. Strategy 4: Move every student out of Basic into Proficient in ELA, Math and Science. What is the Purpose of the API Modeling Workshop?
3 The API is a single number, ranging from a low of 200 to a high of 1000, that reflects a school’s or LEA’s performance level, based on the results of statewide testing. Its purpose is to measure the academic performance and growth of schools. What is the Academic Performance Index or API?
4 The API is calculated by converting a student’s performance on statewide assessments across multiple content areas into points on the API scale. These points are then averaged across all students and all tests. The result is the API. An API is also calculated for LEAs and for each numerically significant subgroup of students at a school or LEA. (An LEA, for API reporting, is defined as a school district or a county office of education.) Schools and numerically significant subgroups have unique annual API growth targets. How is the API calculated?
5 The API is based on an improvement model. It is used to measure the academic growth of a school. The API from one year is compared to the API from the prior year to measure improvement. Each school has an annual target, and all numerically significant subgroups at a school also have targets. The API requires subgroup accountability to address the achievement gaps that exist between traditionally higher- and lower-scoring student subgroups. The API is a cross-sectional look at student achievement. It does not track individual student progress across years but rather compares snapshots of school or LEA level achievement results from one year to the next. The API is used to rank schools. A school is compared to other schools statewide and to 100 other schools that have similar demographic characteristics. The API is currently a school-based requirement under state law. However, API reports are provided for LEAs in order to meet federal requirements under NCLB. What are some of the key features of the API?
6 What Assessment Results are Used to Calculate API?
8 What are the relative emphases of assessments for the API?
9 What are the Base and Growth API Scores? In order to measure the academic improvement of a school, academic results in the form of the API are compared from year to year. Growth (or change) in the API is the difference between one year’s API and the next year’s API. The API's that are compared must be based on the same tests. For example, it would not be appropriate to measure academic growth by comparing a student's mathematics test results with his or her ELA test results because they test two different content areas. Similarly, to measure API growth, APIs calculated from ELA test results from one year must be compared with APIs calculated from results of the same ELA test from the next year.
10 What are the Subgroups included in API Reporting?
11 What are the Basic Steps for Calculating API?
12 What are the API Growth Targets?
13 Directions Download the API Calculation Spreadsheet from the CDE Web Site at: Practice entering data using the API Calculation Spreadsheet with the sample data found on the following slides. Record the API for the Practice School. Apply the strategies and observe the effects on the API score. Be sure to organize the spreadsheet with the original numbers before you apply a strategy. Enter your school’s numbers and record the Base API Score. Apply the strategies and determine the impacts on the API. Before applying a strategy, be sure to return the spreadsheet to the original data. Discuss possible instructional strategies at the classroom level that would support the strategies. How do I use the API Data Modeling Tool?
14 Step 1: Enter the sample data below into API Calculation Spreadsheet for Non-SWD Students in grades 3-5 Performance Level English Language Arts MathematicsScience Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Far Below Basic100 20
15 Step 3: Check to Make Sure that Your Spreadsheet Looks like the one below.
16 Step 4: Record your Base API Score in the Table Below. After you apply each strategy, return to this slide and record the new API. Be sure to return to the original base numbers on your spreadsheet before you apply a new strategy. StrategyAPI Score Base Score Every student moves up one level in ELA, Math, and Science 2. One Half of the students move up one level in ELA, Math, and Science 3. Move every student out of Far Below Basic and into Below Basic 4. Move every student out of Basic and into Proficient
17 Step 5: Answer the following questions How did the strategies change the API score? What strategy was most effective in changing the API? How could you use this tool to investigate subgroup performance in your school? What are some of the root causes for students for why students might be in the higher performance bands? Lower Performance Bands? What classroom instructional interventions could you use to implement the strategies?
18 Step 6: Enter your own school data into the API Calculation Spreadsheet and apply the strategies or design your own strategies. You will need to add the 2 nd grade data in the appropriate Worksheet and then look to the Bridge to see your API Results. A sample for Meadow Homes is included on the following pages StrategyAPI Score Base Score 1. Every student moves up one level in ELA, Math and Science 2. ½ of the students move up one level in ELA, Math, and Science 3. Move every student out of Far Below Basic and into Below Basic 4. Move every student out of Basic and into Proficient Additional Strategy:
19 WARNING Do not go on to the next pages until you have completed your API Strategy Modeling Activity!
20 Answer Key: Do not look at this section until after you have completed the sample simulations for the practice school. StrategyAPI Score Base Score Every student moves up one level in ELA, Math, and Science ½ of the students move up one level in ELA, Math, and Science Move every student out of Far Below Basic and into Below Basic Move every student out of Basic and into Proficient 712
21 Strategy 1: All students move up one level in ELA, Math, and Science Results.
22 Strategy 2: Half of all students move up one level in ELA, Math, and Science Results.
23 Strategy 3: Every student moves out of Far Below Basic and into Below Basic for ELA, Math, and Science Results.
24 Strategy 4: All Students in Basic Move into Proficient in ELA, Math, and Science Results.
25 Strategy 5:
26 My School:
27 Testing Various Models in Support of Improving API Scores