These are machines which convert hydraulic energy Into mechanical energy or mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. The hydraulic machines,which convert the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy, are called turbines. The hydraulic machines which convert the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy are called pumps. 2
3 Turbine are defined as the hydraulic machine which converts hydraulic energy to mechanical energy. A hydraulic turbine uses potential energy and kinetic energy of water and converts it into usable mechanical energy.
CLASSIFICATION OF HYDRAULIC TURBINES According to the mode of steam action Impulse turbine Reaction turbine According to the direction of flow Axial flow turbine Radial flow turbine Tangential flow turbine According to the pressure High pressure turbine Medium pressure turbine Low pressure turbine 5
The inlet of the turbine the energy available is only kinetic energy the turbine is known as impulse turbine. The water flow over the vanes, the pressure is atmospheric from inlet to outlet of the turbine. Main parts of impulse turbine NOZZLE RUNNER AND BLADES CASING 6 IMPULSE TURBINE
7 The pressure of steam jet is reduced in the nozzle and remains constant while passing through the moving blade. The velocity of steam is increased in the nozzle and is reduced while passing through the moving blades
PELTON WHEEL The Pelton turbine is a tangential flow impulse turbine. The atmospheric pressure at inlet and outlet of turbine. It is used for high heads. THE MAIN PARTS OF THE PELTON TURBINE ARE o Nozzle and Spear o Runner and Buckets o Casing o Breaking jet 8
The efficiency of a impulse turbine is higher. There is less frictional loss due to fewer sliding parts. The steam consumption is less. A steam turbine requires less space and lighter foundations. 9
REACTION TURBINE The inlet of the turbine, the water possesses kinetic energy as well as pressure energy, the turbine is known as reaction turbine. The water is under pressure and the pressure energy goes on changing into kinetic energy. MAIN PARTS OF THE REACTION TURBINE o CASING o GUIDE MECHANISM o RUNNER o DRAFT TUBE 10
PRESSURE AND VELOCITY OF REACTION TURBINE 11 The pressure of the turbine is reduced in fixed blades as well as in moving blades. The velocity of the turbine increased in the fixed blades and is reduced while passing through the moving blades.
FRANCIS TURBINE FRANCIS TURBINE :-The inward flow reaction turbine having radial discharge heat outlet is known as Francis turbine. MAIN PARTS OF THE REACTION TURBINE:- CASING: The runner is completely enclosed in an air-tight spiral casing. The casing and runner are always full of water. DRAFT TUBE: It is used for discharging water from the outlet of the runner to the tail race. 12
Kaplan turbine is an axial flow reaction turbine.The water flows through the runner of the turbine in an axial direction and the energy at the inlet of the turbine is the sum of kinetic and pressure energy. MAIN PART OF KAPLAN TURBINE :- SCROLL CASING GUIDE VANES MECHANISM DRAFT TUBE 14
ADVANTAGES OF REACTION TURBINE In reaction turbine the variation in the operating head can be easily controlled. The ratio of maximum and minimum operating heads can be even two. The mechanical efficiency of impulse turbine decreases faster with wear than reaction turbine 15
The main purpose of the barrage is to divert water into a canal on the east bank of the river which feeds water to the CHILLA Power Plant 4 km upstream in HARIDWAR. The power station contains four 36 megawatts Kaplan turbine for an installed capacity of 144 megawatts. The change in elevation between the plant's intake and tailrace affords is (107 feet). The design discharge of the plant is 560 m 3 /s and a hydraulic head of 32.5 m. 16
Hydropower is the cheapest way to generate electricity today. Producing electricity from hydropower is cheap because, once a dam has been built and the equipment installed, the energy resource- flowing water-is free. 18
REFERENCES BOOK :- Fluid mechanics And Hydraulic Machines by i. Dr.R.K.Bansel (chap-10) ii. R.S.Khurmi(chap-6&7) o turbines o