DOL level 2 week 7 1. I asked ms olsen to gimme an apple. (4) 2. my friend finded my pet snake named bud. (3)
DOL level 2 week 7 3. He gots my pencil and linda gots my paper. (4) 4. we aint playing when hes here. (3)
DOL level 2 week 7 5. i wont go with you (3) 6. Has she went to the lake for christmas vacation (3)
DOL level 2 week 7 7. lisa and i hided in the cellar. (3) 8. Mr jones came to our house to fix the freezer (3)
DOL level 2 week 7 9. we aint going to travel at christmas time (4) 10. bill went to the store and he also visited me (3)
DOL level 2 week 7 QUIZ 1. we aint going to florida over christmas vacation. (4) 2. mr brown hided in the backyard and he won the game (6)