Welcome to at Banger t
My name is Meredith Harley Inserra but most students call me “Miss Harley.”
I hold a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from UNC-Greensboro I hold a Master of Music in Music Education from ECU I have also done postgraduate research, Ph.D., ABD from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland
What do we do in ?
sing alone, and with others, many kinds of music. The Curriculum In music we….
play instruments, alone and with others, many kinds of music. The Curriculum In music we….
improvise rhythms, melodies, variations, and accompaniments. The Curriculum In music we….
compose and arrange music. The Curriculum In music we….
read and notate music. The Curriculum In music we….
listen to, analyze, and describe music. The Curriculum In music we….
evaluate music and music performances. The Curriculum In music we….
make connections, between music and other subjects at school. The Curriculum In music we….
relate music to history and culture. The Curriculum In music we….
Music Education… helps students develop spatial intelligence which allows them to perceive the world accurately, visualize various elements that should go together, and form mental pictures of things.
Music Education… teaches students to think creatively and solve problems by imagining various solutions. Questions in music have more than one possible answer.
Music Education… develops connections inside the brain. Music activities require the coordinated effort of several parts of the brain at once.
Music Education… helps students be more successful on standardized tests.
Music Education… teaches students the value of sustained effort through rehearsals and practicing to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work through performances. teaches students the value of sustained effort through rehearsals and practicing to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work through performances.
Music Education… enhances teamwork skills and discipline. enhances teamwork skills and discipline.
Music Education… provides students with a means of self-expression which makes life meaningful and enables students to reach for a higher stage of development. Music fulfills the human need to be in touch with one’s core, with what we are and what we feel.
Music Education… enhances self-esteem and self-worth as a result of participating in expressive music making. The above is quoted from Cincinnati’s WGUC “Classics for Kids” web site:
in action…
You’re welcome to join us anytime.
We will work hard to create, perform, understand, and respond to music by doing our best, being good listeners, and working together. O u r M i ii i s ss s s ss s i ii i o oo o n nn n S t tt t a aa a t tt t e ee e m mm m e ee e n nn n t tt t
Don’t miss the Music at Bangert web site.
M usic Wish List M u s i c W i s h L i s t Please consider donating these needed items. beanbag-type toys 1.Small stuffed beanbag-type toys (like Beanie Babies) Blank CDs 2. Blank CDs that can record music cleaner 3. Dry-erase board cleaner Color 4. Color copying paper ink cartridges 5. Staples gift cards to buy printer ink cartridges Transparencies 6. Transparencies for inkjet printers zip-lock 7. Large zip-lock type bags Pencilserasers 8. Pencils and erasers CD 9. A CD duplicator machine. Magnetic 10. Magnetic tape or squares with sticky backing.
See you at Bangert for