Shell programming 9/12/2008 David You
Using cross compiler Cross compiler download and installation Log on to Make a proper directory for xinu project and copy the latest xinu source file from /web/faculty/bina/cse321/fall2 008/NEXOS. Unzip the source file (it would be gzip file or tar file) gunzip < file.tar.gz | tar xvf – tar xvf file.tar Modify MIPS_ROOT variable in compile/makeVars file to /projects/bina/NEXOS/CSE321/project/mipsel-dev/bin Compile
Shell programming Shell programming guide line Make a test program xsh_test.c has a blank test function. Implement something you want to do in the xsh_test.c file and just compile. No need to do anything else. Add a brand new command Follow the procedures in the shell programming guide line webpage. You have to put your source files into some proper directories and modify some files such as Makefile, shell.c and shell.h.
Embedded XINU directories Embedded XINU web site has documentation page explaining directory structure, data structure and relationship between source files. Just click and open any linked pages to see more about data structures and source files. Most important directories are compile, shell and system.
Test programs Hello world The simplest way is to modify the xsh_test.c file and compile. You can add your own source file(xsh_hello.c or something) and add the command to proper position.