Chapter 8: Open Source Web Applications phpMyAdmin Wordpress Coppermine phpBB
Training Course, CS, NCTU 2 phpMyAdmin (1) phpMyAdmin can manage a whole MySQL server as well as a single database. Official Site: Characteristics Browser-based, Supporting PHP5, MySQL 4.1 and 5.0, Open Source Installation Steps 1.Download latest version from official site 2.Unzip the archived file. 3.Read documents: Documentation.html 4.copy Set auth_type to cookie Set blowfish_secret to any random string Browse the phpMyAdmin, and login.
Training Course, CS, NCTU 3 phpMyAdmin (2)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 4 phpMyAdmin (3)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 5 Wordpress (1) A personal publishing platform (BLOG) with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. Official Site: Installation Steps 1.Download latest version from official site 2.Unzip the archived file. 3.Read documents: readme.html 4.Adding one new database for wordpress.(you can use phpMyAdmin) 5.Copy wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php Change database name, user/pass, MySQL hostname 6.Browse the wordpress, click the link of install.php Following the installation steps, get the admin password. 7.Browse the wordpress again.
Training Course, CS, NCTU 6 Wordpress (2)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 7 Wordpress (3)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 8 Wordpress (4)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 9 Wordpress (5)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 10 Coppermine (1) Coppermine Photo Gallery is an advanced, user-friendly, picture gallery script with built-in support for other multi-media/data files. Official Site: Installation Steps 1.Download latest version from official site 2.Unzip the archived file. 3.Adding one new database for coppermine. (you can use phpMyAdmin) 4.Browse the Coppermine, waiting redirected to installer, following the install guide. 1.Check directory permissions, cpg/include, cpg/albums, cpg/albums/userpics, cpg/albums/edit should writable for everyone. (You can use FTP or Explorer to change the dir permission, then click “Try again”) 2.Fill the configuration table. 5.Enjoy Coppermine.
Training Course, CS, NCTU 11 Coppermine (2)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 12
Training Course, CS, NCTU 13 Coppermine (3)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 14 phpBB (1) phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable Open Source bulletin board package. Official Site: Installation Steps 1.Download latest version from official site 2.Unzip the archived file. 3.Adding one new database for phpBB.(you can use phpMyAdmin) 4.Browse the phpBB, configuration table appears. 1.Check directory permissions, phpBB/cache, phpBB/files, phpBB/store, phpBB/config.php phpBB/images/avatars/upload should writable for everyone. (You can use FTP or Explorer to change the dir permission, then click “Try again”) 2.Fill configuration table. 3.Download the config.ini for phpBB, upload to the phpBB directory. 4.Remove install/ and contrib/ directories in phpBB 5.Browse the phpBB again, enjoy it.
Training Course, CS, NCTU 15 phpBB (2)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 16 phpBB (3)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 17 phpBB (4)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 18 phpBB(5)
Training Course, CS, NCTU 19 phpBB (6)