SeisComP3 ©GFZ GEMPA Developments by Dr. Bernd Weber gempa GmbH
Who is gempa spin-off from GFZ Potsdam since mid of 2008 6 employees Doing Installation Training Support Software development for SeisComP3 and related software
WIFE Web Interface for Earthquakes Example Connected to a SeisComP3 system Controlled by a dissemination server Configurable maps and layers
QUIP QUality Information Page Giving quick overview over delay and latency Showing quality information of the stations like offset, rms, timing quality, gaps etc.)
PADS Publication And Dissemination Server Criteria definition containing region, magnitude, depth, phasecount etc. Spooler for all kind of services SMS, , FAX, WEB Queue, criteria, region and user management by a web interface
PADS - config schema Queue Germany>3 Criteria Mag>3 PhaseCount>6 Region Lat -15,+15 Lon 90,120 Queue Tsunami_IO Criteria Mag>7 PhaseCount>25 Region Lat 20,28 Lon 56,68 Region Lat 47,56 Lon 5.9,15 Use r1 EM ail Use r2 EM ail Use r3 FAX Use r4 WE B Use r1 SM S Use r1 EM ail Use r2 EM ail Use r3 FAX Use r1 SM S
SLinkTool Web-Interface SLinktool features Example
TOAST/GUITAR Light version = GUITAR Full featured = TOAST