A. L ITERARY TERMS “The Cask of Amontillado” “Sniper” “Thank You M’am” “The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind” The Watsons Go To Birmingham Sounder Number the.


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Presentation transcript:

A. L ITERARY TERMS “The Cask of Amontillado” “Sniper” “Thank You M’am” “The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind” The Watsons Go To Birmingham Sounder Number the Stars “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”

1. V ERBAL I RONY Character says one thing but means another (sarcasm).

2. S ITUATIONAL IRONY Story ends differently than what the audience thought.

3. D RAMATIC IRONY When the audience knows something the character in the story does not.

4. T HEME The message of the story.

5. MOOD How the reader feels.

6. T ONE Authors attitude towards the story.

7. EXPOSITION Beginning of the story.

8. R ISING ACTION The action before the climax.

9. CLIMAX The turning point of the story.

10. F ALLING ACTION The action after the climax.

11. R ESOLUTION /D ENOUEMENT How the story is resolved.

12. F ORESHADOWING Statement that helps predict what is happening next.

13. F LASHBACK An event that happened in the past.

14. A UTHORS INTENDED AUDIENCE Who the author is writing to.

15. P URPOSE Why the author is writing. Examples: a. To inform b. To share c. To entertain d. To describe e. To persuade

16. P OINT OF VIEW a. 1. First person – narrator is in the story (I) b. 2. Third-person limited – narrator is telling the story about one character c. 3. Third-person omniscient – narrator is telling the story about all characters d. 4. Third-person objective – narrator tells the story but gives no opinion.

17. C ULTURAL CUE Clues that tell where the story is taking place.

18. H ISTORICAL C UE Clues that tell it’s a part of history.

19. ALLEGORY When a situation teaches you a lesson.

20. P ARODY When the story makes fun of something serious.

21. P ARADOX The story sounds wrong, but it’s right.

22. S YMBOL When something represents something else. (like omens or warnings or signs)

23. C LASSICAL A LLUSION Reference to to a classical story, religion, work of art, song, or poem.

24. H ISTORICAL A LLUSION Reference to something in history.

25. L ITERARY A LLUSION Reference to another story.

B. P OETRY T ERMS “The Road Not Taken” “Woman’s Work” “I, too, Sing America” “O Captain! My Captain!” “Sick” “Shall I Compare thee to a Summer’s Day” “Charge of the Light Brigade”

1. I DIOM Don’t’ literally mean what is being said. Example: It’s raining cats and dogs.

2. M ETAPHOR Compare to unlike things NOT using like or as. Example: his legs were rubber

3. S IMILE Compare to unlike things USING like or as. Example: his wings are like clouds

4. P ERSONIFICATION Something sounds human but is not. Example: the trees felt satisfied

5. H YPERBOLE Major exaggeration Example: I could eat a horse

6. P UN Playing around with words Example: 7 days without pizza makes 1 weak. Example: I used to be a baker, but I ran out of dough.

7. S YMBOL Something represents something else. Example: Have you ever come to a fork in the road? (means having two choices)

8. M OOD How the reader feels while reading.

9. T ONE Author’s attitude

10.R HYME When words sound the same. Example: tells, bells, yells (they rhyme)

11. I NTERNAL R HYME Words that rhyme in the same line of poetry. Example: Once upon a midnight dreary, I pondered weary.

12. S LANT R HYME Works that kind of rhyme, not exactly in poetry. Example: That perches in the soul. And never stops at all.

13. E ND R HYME Words that rhyme at the end of the line in poetry. Example: Jaws flaming red Toast my bread.

14. R HYTHM The beat of a line of poetry

15. R EPETITION Repeating a word or phrase over and over again.

16. A LLITERATION Repetition of sound Example: Peter picked a pickled pepper.

17. O NOMATOPOEIA Words that make a sound. Example: Sizzle! Boom! Crackle!

18. L YRIC P OEM A poem that expresses feelings and thoughts.

19. E PIC P OEM Poem that tells the adventures of a hero.

20. S ONNET P OEM A poem with 14 lines.

21. D RAMATIC P OEM A poem that can be performed on stage.

22. B ALLAD P OEM A poem that is a love story.