Muckraking and the Disenfranchised
Cleaning up America Muckrakers- journalists who exposed corruption in government, business and society Ida Tarbell- Journalist who exposed corruption at Standard Oil in Major newspaper articles
Upton Sinclair Author of The Jungle Described the horrible working conditions in food factories Detailed the horrible conditions of food preparation Led to Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat inspection act
Triangle Shirtwaist Company (1911) A fire breaks out in a ten- story textile-building killing over 140 women workers The building had no sprinkler system Led to new laws regulating working conditions and fire codes
Florence Kelly Worked to improve the lives of children and women Became a leader in getting Child Labor laws passed
T.R. and Conservation Roosevelt spent time in the badlands of N.D. He was astonished at the number of buffalo being killed, and land being destroyed Vowed to protect American lands
National Parks created by T.R. Crater Lake National Park Wind Cave National Park Sully’s Hill Chickasaw National Park Mesa Verde National Park Also added land to Yosemite National Park