Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme EMOS INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING Joint Managing Authority
EMOS EMOS monitoring system is used to submit reports electronically between project and JMA. Each project has one usercode and password to EMOS, it´s up to Lead Partner to decide who has right to go to the system –Project manager –Accounting officer Only the first one logged in to project at same tíme can save the data. If someone is already logged in, you got an message when you logg in.
Reports in EMOS EMOS monitoring system includes 1.Payments; payment request (project fills in) and payment order (JMA) 2.Project Update 3.Interim Report 4.Final report
Reports in EMOS
Basic instructions Logg in to EMOS Choose the appropriate report Answer to questions and fill in dates Load needed annexes Lock the report Print and sign it Send the signed report with annexes to JMA
Basic instructions After the report is locked it is available for JMA. JMA has 45 days to approve the report, calculated from the date when the signed paper version has came to JMA. JMA can ask project to correct or complete the reports. Approved reports are a condition to further payments
Basic instructions After you have locked the report, you will get a new report template for next reporting period You can fill in reports when ever you want and save them, it´s usefull to fill in reports regularly. Only after you lock the report it can not be changed. JMA can open the report to amendments.
Basic instructions
Interim report After the New Description is filled in, you will see section Activities available, then Indicators and finally Cooperation.
Final report
Annexes, locking and signing Load annexes here Message of sending Sign the printed report
Printing Click ”Change to print mode”
Printing Click ”Print all pages”, then use your browsers printing functions
To remember Fill in all needed information Load annexes Lock the reports Print and sign the reports Send the signed report with annexes to JMA