What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “evaluating information”?
Comprehension Reliability Author Authority Analyzing Bias Identifying and Analyzing Assumptions Identifying Questions Raised by Information
Students apply critical thinking skills in evaluating sources, information, and search processes.
Write the evaluating learning outcome in discipline specific language. (Worksheet, Page One)
Put a check list by the items that best describe how you hope your majors will excel in evaluating information. (Worksheet, p. 3)
Write other items that are especially relevant to your majors’ ability to evaluate information. (Worksheet, p. 3)
CRAAP TEST Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose
Comic Evaluation 1.What argument or idea is the cartoon presenting? 2. What evidence can you give that support your identification of this argument/idea? 3.What arguments or ideas does the cartoon ignore? 4.Who is the intended audience for the cartoon?
Comic Evaluation
What challenges would you have implementing this idea in your own courses? What would be the benefit of using this activity in your classes?
Describe a teaching idea you heard or thought about today that you want to use to teach your students evaluating skills. When and where do you plan to try this idea? (Worksheet, p. 5)