I want to dedicate this book to all of you readers. You guys are truly awesome. Dedication
Motor bike, pedal bike, quad, scooter, it doesn’t really matter because whatever you’re riding it’s always fun to hit the jump. You see it, coming closer and closer, no turning back now, up, up, and… Fwoom! AWESOME! Hitting the Jump and Landing It
All day you expect leftovers, being that we had spaghetti yesterday, until mom asks the wonderful question that makes your day: “Who wants tacos?” AWESOME! Mom’s Making Tacos
Your mom volunteers YOU to do something without YOUR permission, but suddenly out of nowhere you get paid unexpectedly! AWESOME! Getting Paid for Being Volunteered
Whether it’s a free meal, a prize just for writing your name on a piece of paper, or if you find 5 bucks on the ground, it’s just AWESOME! Getting Free Stuff
It’s the middle of April in northern Alberta and it’s 20 above zero, where there would usually be two feet of snow. AWESOME! Warm Weather
If it’s a PD day, the teachers are away, or it’s a snow day, what a great feeling it is to know that you don’t have to go to school. AWESOME! Missing School
Ah. You start to get up, realize it’s the weekend, lay back down, and just lay there, either sleeping or just doing absolutely nothing. AWESOME! Saturday Morning
Sharp, long pencil, clean fresh smelling eraser, a brand new lunch kit with money compartment you can’t wait to try, and of course, the clothes. New pants, shirts, and best of all, shoes. AWESOME! New School Supplies
You’re sitting on the couch, watching your favorite baseball team. They’re down by one point. It’s the bottom of the ninth, with two outs and three runners on base. Your favorite player is up to bat. The count is 0-2. Here comes the pitch, a hard fastball, right down the pipes. BAM! Goins, Goins, gone! Blue Jays win! AWESOME! The Best Win
I’m Ethan Collins. I am a grade six student at rosary, and you’ve most likely noticed that I like baseball, sleep, and food. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, and playing sports. I also really like cooking awesome food. ‘Bout Me