Insertion Sorting example { 48}62 35 77 55 14 35 98 { 48 62}35 77 55 14 35 98 { 35 48 62}77 55 14 35 98 { 35 48 62 77}55 14 35 98 { 35 48 55 62 77}14 35 98 { 14 35 48 55 62 77}35 98 { 14 35 35 48 55 62 77}98 { 14 35 35 48 55 62 77 98 }
Selection Sorting [49 38 65 97 76 13 27 49] 13 [38 65 97 76 49 27 49] 13 27 [65 97 76 49 38 49] 13 27 38 [97 76 49 65 49] 13 27 38 49 [76 97 65 49 ] 13 27 38 49 49 [97 65 76] 13 27 38 49 49 65 [97 76] 13 27 38 49 49 65 76 [97] 13 27 38 49 49 65 76 97
Quick Sorting Interchange the elements pointed to by low and high We will choose a pivot element and partition the array into two parts. 49 38 65 97 76 13 27 49 low high 27 38 65 97 76 13 49 49 low high 27 38 49 97 76 13 65 49 low high 27 38 13 97 76 49 65 49 low high 27 38 13 49 76 97 65 49 low high (27 38 13) 49 (76 97 65 49) low/high
Shell Sorting example Assume the increments are: 5,3,1 Initial case: 49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49,55,04 After sorting using increment 5:
Shell Sorting After sorting using increment 3: 04,13,38,27,49,49,55,65,76,97
Bottom-Up Merge Sorting example
Radix Sorting Example: 36,5,16,98,95,47,32,36,48 After first distribution After first collection:32,5,95,36,16,36,47,98,48
Radix Sorting After second distribution: After second collection:5,16,32,36,36,47,48,95,98