Healthy Weight Framework, Prioritisation Tool & NCMP PHEC Networks June 2016 Rachel Manners, NCMP Delivery Manager
Overview 1.Overview of the resources and consultation feedback 2.Proposals for future development 3.NCMP update 2Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016
Overview of the resources: Healthy Weight Framework Prioritisation Tool
Other Considerations Local Authorities’ responses to childhood obesity are not taking place in a vacuum These tools should be set within the context of: The government’s Childhood Obesity Strategy PHE’s whole system approach to obesity Sustainability Transformation Plans Devolution and combined authorities LA austerity measures – loss of specialised analysis and commissioning expertise 4Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016
Draft Proposals for future development
Healthy Weight Framework Lift the “level” so that it is a framework and not a comprehensive presentation of the evidence base. Present it as an advocacy tool to support DPHs to make the case for local authorities to take a corporate approach to investing in reducing childhood obesity Give links to the key evidence sources, including NICE guidance, comprehensive evidence reviews, ROI modelling, fingertips tools etc Give materials that support all stages of the commissioning cycle 6Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016 Plan Do Review
Prioritisation Tool Content Revise the structure of the self assessment so that it is aligned fully with other PHE self assessment tools Resolve the apparent duplication with other (external) self assessment approaches – get the support of LGA and ADPH Carry out further piloting to test the suitability for 2 tier authorities and London boroughs 7Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016
Both Resources Set them in the current environment Offer a structure for developing local childhood obesity strategies that relates to: the government’s childhood obesity strategy a whole system approach to reducing childhood obesity reducing health inequalities the process for developing single transformation plans the economy-led focus of devolution and combined authorities 8Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016
Both Resources Delivery Devise delivery model(s) that provide external facilitation enable customised delivery to meet local circumstances overcome the austerity environment in local authorities encourage collaboration and sharing between authorities increase the likelihood of take up and use 9Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016
Next Steps 1.Internal and limited external consultation (LGA, ADPH) to seek support for new approach 2.Establish Advisory Group to guide development 3.Redevelopment of both tools – content and piloting 4.External Consultation on redesigned resources 5.Launch and role out of implementation plan 10Healthy Weight Framework & Prioritisation Tool Update June 2016
NCMP update
National Child Measurement Programme Height and weight measurements of 1 million 4-5 and year old children in 17,000 schools across England every year Mandated public health function of LAs Provides robust public health surveillance data on child weight status Excess weight PHOF indicator Tool for H&WB Boards Engages with parents through feedback on their child’s weight status Result letter for parents plus follow up advice and support 12 NCMP Update June 2016
13NCMP Update June Screenshot of webpage
Prevalence of excess weight among children National Child Measurement Programme 14 Child overweight (including obesity)/ excess weight: BMI ≥ 85 th centile of the UK90 growth reference One in five children in Reception is overweight or obese One in three children in Year 6 is overweight or obese N CMP Update June 2016
Scale of the challenge Child obesity: BMI ≥ 95 th centile of the UK90 growth reference 15 Obesity prevalence by deprivation decile National Child Measurement Programme 2014/15 NCMP Update June 2016
Latest NCMP findings There has been a relatively small overall change in overweight and obesity prevalence over the last 5 years; levels remain unacceptably high. As in previous years, prevalence of obesity increases between Reception and Year 6, and is more than double in Year 6 compared with Reception. Prevalence of obesity in the most deprived 10% of areas in England is double that of the 10% least deprived areas – the gap is widening. Substantial variation in obesity prevalence between ethnic groups - higher among children of Black and Asian ethnicities, compared to White children. Prevalence of obesity is higher in boys than in girls for both Reception and Year NCMP Update June 2016
Priority 1: Enhancing provision of data to support delivery at National and local levels: Maintaining the system NCMP Tracking Electronic child growth charts Support coordination and dissemination of child obesity/ NCMP publications Priority 2: Improving information, advice and support offered to parents as a part of the NCMP: NCMP and Change4Life Workstream Develop, review and publish updated resources for parents: 17 Key NCMP priorities - 16/17 NCMP Update June 2016
Priority 3: Improved support to LA, providers and schools: The development and production of resources to support local delivery of the programme Delivery of workshops and presentations (internal and external) to maintain engagement with key partners and allow opportunities for information exchange. 18 Key NCMP priorities - 16/17 NCMP Update June 2016
19 NCMP Key dates for 16/17 NCMP School feedback lettersMay 2016 NCMP operational guidance (16/17) June (after EU referendum) NCMP Data submissionFriday 12 th August 2016 NCMP Tracking reportSeptember 2016 C4L supporting platform/ supporting information September 2016 NCMP operational guidance (17/18) and supporting tools and templates Spring NCMP Update June 2016
Questions? Rachel Manners/ Rosie Taylor NCMP Delivery Manager / NCMP Update June 2016 Loretta Sollars Programme Manager M: T: