RLC Circuits PH 203 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 24
RCL and AC d = 2 f X C = 1/( d C) X L = d L If you combine a resistor, capacitor and an inductor into one series circuit, they all will have the same current but all will have difference voltages at any one time Voltages are all out of phase with each other
RLC Circuit
RLC Impedance Called the impedance (Z) Z = (R 2 + (X L - X C ) 2 ) ½ The voltages for the inductor and capacitor are 180 degrees opposed and so subtract V = IZ Can think of Z as a generalized resistance for any AC circuit
Time Dependence The instantaneous value (v, i) The maximum value (V, I) The root-mean-squared value (V rms, I rms ) However, the average of a sinusoidal variation is 0
Finding rms Since power depends on I 2 (P =I 2 R) it does not care if the current is positive or negative I rms = I/(2) ½ = I V rms = V/(2) ½ = V The rms value is about 71% of the maximum
Phase Angle and Power Factor They are separated by a phase angle often written as: cos = IR/IZ = R/Z But I and V are out of phase and sometime they reinforce each other and sometimes they cancel out Can write power as: P av = I rms V rms cos We just need to know V and I through it at a given time
High and Low f For high f the inductor acts like a very large resistor and the capacitor acts like a resistance-less wire At low f, the inductor acts like a resistance-less wire and the capacitor acts like a very large resistor No current through C, full current through L
Natural Frequency Example: a swing If you push the swing at all different random times it won’t If you connect it to an AC generator with the same frequency it will have a large current
Resonance This condition is known as resonance Low Z, large I (I = V/Z) Z = (R 2 + (X L - X C ) 2 ) ½ This will happen when d = 1/(LC) ½ Frequencies near the natural one will produce large current
Resistance and Resonance Note that the current still depends on the resistance at resonance, the capacitor and inductor cancel out If we change R we do not change the natural frequency, but we do change the magnitude of the maximum current Since the effect of L and C are smaller in any case
Next Time Read Problems: Ch 31, P: 45, 46, 61, Ch 32, P: 12, 14